Guardian Game
6 to 15 scouts.
tennis balls or Nerf football or other kind of balls.
5 or 6 plastic soda bottles.
tennis balls or Nerf football or other kind of balls.
5 or 6 plastic soda bottles.
One scout is the 'Guardian' with the job of protecting the pillars of energy from incoming meteors.
Draw a circle about 20 to 30 feet in diameter and have all scouts outside the circle. The Guardian stands in the center of the circle and sets up the pillars in a circle around the Guardian.
Give one scout a ball. Scouts try to throw the ball and knock down a pillar. The Guardian protects the pillars by catching the ball or knocking it away.
Whoever knocks down a pillar gets a point per pillar. The Guardian gets a point for every pillar left standing after 2 minutes (adjust the time as needed).
When the Guardian stops the ball, the Guardian rolls it back out to the circle of players immediately. Players can not come inside the circle.
Using a Nerf ball or tennis ball is safer. If the Guardian seems to be having a very easy time, use 2 balls.
Draw a circle about 20 to 30 feet in diameter and have all scouts outside the circle. The Guardian stands in the center of the circle and sets up the pillars in a circle around the Guardian.
Give one scout a ball. Scouts try to throw the ball and knock down a pillar. The Guardian protects the pillars by catching the ball or knocking it away.
Whoever knocks down a pillar gets a point per pillar. The Guardian gets a point for every pillar left standing after 2 minutes (adjust the time as needed).
When the Guardian stops the ball, the Guardian rolls it back out to the circle of players immediately. Players can not come inside the circle.
Using a Nerf ball or tennis ball is safer. If the Guardian seems to be having a very easy time, use 2 balls.
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