Defender Game
three balls (tennis, foam, or rubber)
three towers (tin cans, plastic bottles, or similar)
three towers (tin cans, plastic bottles, or similar)
Draw or use rope to define a 20ft diameter circle on the floor or ground.
In the center, one scout sets up the three towers however desired.
All other scouts stand outside the circle with the three balls.
On 'Go', everyone tries to knock over the towers.
The defender stands up knocked over towers as fast as possible.
If all three towers are knocked down, the scout that threw the ball that knocked the last one over becomes the defender.
No one really 'wins'. The goal is the glory of being the defender for the longest time.
You may say the defender can not interfere with thrown balls, or can try to block them.
You may say one attacker can enter the ring to retrieve a dead ball, or when all balls are dead the defender tosses them all outside the ring to renew the game.
In the center, one scout sets up the three towers however desired.
All other scouts stand outside the circle with the three balls.
On 'Go', everyone tries to knock over the towers.
The defender stands up knocked over towers as fast as possible.
If all three towers are knocked down, the scout that threw the ball that knocked the last one over becomes the defender.
No one really 'wins'. The goal is the glory of being the defender for the longest time.
You may say the defender can not interfere with thrown balls, or can try to block them.
You may say one attacker can enter the ring to retrieve a dead ball, or when all balls are dead the defender tosses them all outside the ring to renew the game.
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