Airplane Race Game
This Game is meant for Cub Scouts.
sheets of paper
Each scout makes a paper airplane.
When all are ready, they line up at the start line.
On 'GO', everyone throws airplane toward the goal line.
Each scout runs to their plane, picks it up, and throws it again from the spot where it landed.
First one across the goal line, wins.
Can play as a relay between patrols.
After a couple races, it should be evident which airplane design goes farthest, fastest, and straightest. You could allow a redesign break to make new airplanes and race again.
When all are ready, they line up at the start line.
On 'GO', everyone throws airplane toward the goal line.
Each scout runs to their plane, picks it up, and throws it again from the spot where it landed.
First one across the goal line, wins.
Can play as a relay between patrols.
After a couple races, it should be evident which airplane design goes farthest, fastest, and straightest. You could allow a redesign break to make new airplanes and race again.
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