Aerobic Tag Game
frisbee, beanbag, or nerfball
a stopwatch
a stopwatch
Mark off a large playing area.
Divide into 2 teams or each patrol is a team.
Referee keeps track of possession time.
Object: Keep the item in your team's possession for a set length of time (20, 30, 60 seconds).
Be prepared to impose penalties for roughness, not getting rid of the item fast enough, or leaving the play area.
Divide into 2 teams or each patrol is a team.
Referee keeps track of possession time.
Object: Keep the item in your team's possession for a set length of time (20, 30, 60 seconds).
- The scout with the object avoids opposing players.
- If scout with object is tagged with 2 hands by opposing scout, the object is immediately dropped or thrown away.
- The scout can not directly receive the item after getting rid of it.
- If a teammate gets the item, time continues to accumulate for their team. If an opposing scout gets the object, time starts over at 0 for that team.
Be prepared to impose penalties for roughness, not getting rid of the item fast enough, or leaving the play area.
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Apr 14, 2016 - David
Hi, I really love this game idea, but could you emphasize what the
penalties would be?
Apr 15, 2016 - Scouter Paul
@David - Sitting down and counting to 100 out loud, leaving the
play area for 1 minute; basically not getting to play for a short
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