Voucher CrossOver Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for AoL scouts.
Akela, Baloo, scout parents, Scoutmaster & Sr. Patrol Leader, Troop Guide, 1 cub scout for each AoL scout
Give script to the parents of each AoL scout and to the Cub Scouts that will vouch for them, and the Sr. Patrol Leader and Scoutmaster.
A cub scout vouces for each AoL scout crossing over.
AoL scouts are led out of the room by their Den Leader or Den Chief - this is optional.
Akela: We are assembled to honor Arrow of Light scouts and their parents this day. I request that these Arrow of Light scouts with the courage, strength, and desire to continue their scouting adventure in Scouts BSA come forward now. (read AoL name)
(AoL scouts are led in by their den leader or just come forward from their seats.)
(As the scouts line up, the AoL den leader removes their blue shoulder loops and tells them to put them in their pocket)
Akela: These scouts have brought honor to our Pack as they have climbed the Cub Scout trail together. Each of them is now ready to go into the great adventure of Scouts BSA and continue up the scouting trail.
Akela: Before [scout name] may go forward and join Troop [number], is there anyone who will vouch for the virtues of this Scout?
(that is the cue for the Cub Scout to stand and read the script)
Cub Scout: [name] has been a good scout, and has earned [number] adventure pins, the Webelos rank, and the Arrow of Light. I think [name] will continue being a great Scout.
Parents: As parents, we accept the responsibilities of helping [name] along the scouting trail. We are excited to see our child take this next step in Scouting.
(each parent may want to personalize or add a bit)
Den Leader: [name] has been a loyal and trustworthy scout, and has grown strong in scouting abilities and has developed character. I believe this scout is ready to join a troop.
Sr. Patrol Leader: Knowing this scout to have a strong desire to learn the ways of our troop and to continue the climb to the ultimate scouting rank of Eagle Scout, I accept [name] into troop [number]. [name]'s patrol will be led by [Troop Guide or Patrol Leader name]. We will have many adventures together over the next few years.
Scoutmaster: Just as [name] will grow the ranks of our troop, the parents are needed to support our program and I welcome you to our scouting family and encourage you to be involved in our troop.
Akela: [name], thank you for your time with Pack [number]. Congratulations as you join your new scouting family.
(shakes scout's hand and directs the scout to the new patrol where the Troop Guide presents the scout with a troop neckerchief, shoulder loops, and other items as is customary)
(repeat for each AoL Scout)
(after last AoL scout is finished)
Akela: Pack [number] please stand at attention! Join me in a huge cheer for these scouts!
Akela: We are assembled to honor Arrow of Light scouts and their parents this day. I request that these Arrow of Light scouts with the courage, strength, and desire to continue their scouting adventure in Scouts BSA come forward now. (read AoL name)
(AoL scouts are led in by their den leader or just come forward from their seats.)
(As the scouts line up, the AoL den leader removes their blue shoulder loops and tells them to put them in their pocket)
Akela: These scouts have brought honor to our Pack as they have climbed the Cub Scout trail together. Each of them is now ready to go into the great adventure of Scouts BSA and continue up the scouting trail.
Akela: Before [scout name] may go forward and join Troop [number], is there anyone who will vouch for the virtues of this Scout?
(that is the cue for the Cub Scout to stand and read the script)
Cub Scout: [name] has been a good scout, and has earned [number] adventure pins, the Webelos rank, and the Arrow of Light. I think [name] will continue being a great Scout.
Parents: As parents, we accept the responsibilities of helping [name] along the scouting trail. We are excited to see our child take this next step in Scouting.
(each parent may want to personalize or add a bit)
Den Leader: [name] has been a loyal and trustworthy scout, and has grown strong in scouting abilities and has developed character. I believe this scout is ready to join a troop.
Sr. Patrol Leader: Knowing this scout to have a strong desire to learn the ways of our troop and to continue the climb to the ultimate scouting rank of Eagle Scout, I accept [name] into troop [number]. [name]'s patrol will be led by [Troop Guide or Patrol Leader name]. We will have many adventures together over the next few years.
Scoutmaster: Just as [name] will grow the ranks of our troop, the parents are needed to support our program and I welcome you to our scouting family and encourage you to be involved in our troop.
Akela: [name], thank you for your time with Pack [number]. Congratulations as you join your new scouting family.
(shakes scout's hand and directs the scout to the new patrol where the Troop Guide presents the scout with a troop neckerchief, shoulder loops, and other items as is customary)
(repeat for each AoL Scout)
(after last AoL scout is finished)
Akela: Pack [number] please stand at attention! Join me in a huge cheer for these scouts!
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