Webelos Adventures Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Cub Scouts, Webelos scouts.
1 large candle in a stand
many small candles, all in stands
many small candles, all in stands
Line up small candles in a line with the large candle at one end.
Akela: Our Webelos scouts have been very busy the past few months, completing adventures towards their advancement. I would like the following scouts to please come forward. [call off names of scouts receiving pins]
Akela: Den Chief [name] will light one of the small candles for each adventure as it is presented.
The [adventure name] adventure has been earned by [scout names]. Please step forward to claim your pin and tell us one thing you did to complete this adventure.
(Den Chief lights small candle)
For each adventure, Akela may change what he says. For example, for the First Responder adventure, he may ask what items a scout put in a first aid kit. For Cast Iron Chef, ask what food was cooked.
(once all recognition items are distributed)
Akela: Den Chief [name], I see we have one candle left. Should we light it now?
Den Chief: No, Akela, that big candle stands for the Arrow of Light.
Akela: That's right, [name]. This candle will remain unlit until we have a Webelos Scout who has completed the Arrow of Light requirements. Then we will light that candle. These small candles, representing the adventures, are steps along the trail of Webelos Scouts. They are important in themselves, but they lead us to the Arrow of Light which signifies that a Webelos scout has reached the highest step on the Cub Scout trail and is fully prepared to continue on the Scouting trail.
Akela: Now, Den Chief [name], will you lead the Webelos Scouts in your den yell and then return them to their seats?
Akela: Den Chief [name] will light one of the small candles for each adventure as it is presented.
The [adventure name] adventure has been earned by [scout names]. Please step forward to claim your pin and tell us one thing you did to complete this adventure.
(Den Chief lights small candle)
For each adventure, Akela may change what he says. For example, for the First Responder adventure, he may ask what items a scout put in a first aid kit. For Cast Iron Chef, ask what food was cooked.
(once all recognition items are distributed)
Akela: Den Chief [name], I see we have one candle left. Should we light it now?
Den Chief: No, Akela, that big candle stands for the Arrow of Light.
Akela: That's right, [name]. This candle will remain unlit until we have a Webelos Scout who has completed the Arrow of Light requirements. Then we will light that candle. These small candles, representing the adventures, are steps along the trail of Webelos Scouts. They are important in themselves, but they lead us to the Arrow of Light which signifies that a Webelos scout has reached the highest step on the Cub Scout trail and is fully prepared to continue on the Scouting trail.
Akela: Now, Den Chief [name], will you lead the Webelos Scouts in your den yell and then return them to their seats?
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