Star Candle Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Star scouts.
Scouting candelabra with 7 candles - Scout to Eagle
Make sure First Class candle is lit.
Leader can be Scoutmaster or SPL
(Call scouts forward with parents to line up behind ceremony table facing troop)
Leader: You have reached a very important point in the path of Scouting. Whether or not you realize it, by meeting your Star Scout requirements, you have left the group of those who merely receive in Scouting. Tonight, you join a smaller and more significant group - those whose duty and privilege it is to give Scouting to others. You have been learning about service, leadership, and responsibility. Before you climbs a trail that leads to a worthier, more mature part of Scouting, that of giving.
By following the Scout Oath and Law, you can follow this trail. If you follow the trail far enough, the highest Scouting goal will be yours. As you receive your Star Scout badge, it must be with full realization that you will be giving guidance and inspiration to younger Scouts.
Are you willing to accept the responsibilities as well as the privileges that accompany the Star Scout rank?
To show that you are prepared to guide and inspire your fellow scouts, hold the Star candle and light it from the First Class candle.
(hand out badges and parent pins)
Parents, please pin the Star badge on your scout.
Scouts, pin the Star parent pin on your parent.
(when finished)
Troop [number], attention!
Congratulations to the newest Troop [number] Star Scouts!
Leader: You have reached a very important point in the path of Scouting. Whether or not you realize it, by meeting your Star Scout requirements, you have left the group of those who merely receive in Scouting. Tonight, you join a smaller and more significant group - those whose duty and privilege it is to give Scouting to others. You have been learning about service, leadership, and responsibility. Before you climbs a trail that leads to a worthier, more mature part of Scouting, that of giving.
By following the Scout Oath and Law, you can follow this trail. If you follow the trail far enough, the highest Scouting goal will be yours. As you receive your Star Scout badge, it must be with full realization that you will be giving guidance and inspiration to younger Scouts.
Are you willing to accept the responsibilities as well as the privileges that accompany the Star Scout rank?
To show that you are prepared to guide and inspire your fellow scouts, hold the Star candle and light it from the First Class candle.
(hand out badges and parent pins)
Parents, please pin the Star badge on your scout.
Scouts, pin the Star parent pin on your parent.
(when finished)
Troop [number], attention!
Congratulations to the newest Troop [number] Star Scouts!
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