Simple Cross-Over Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for AoL scouts.
AoL den leader, Scoutmaster, a Scout, AoL scout and parents.
A rustic bridge; two spotlights, one directed on each end of the bridge; Scout neckerchief.
A rustic bridge; two spotlights, one directed on each end of the bridge; Scout neckerchief.
Place the bridge on the stage or in front of the pack meeting room. The AoL den leader, with the AoL scout and parents, stands on one end of the bridge. On the other end is the Scoutmaster with a Scout holding a rolled troop neckerchief.
AoL Den Leader: (To parents) During the years you and your scout have been in Cub Scouting, we have had numerous opportunities to work together along the scouting trail. Now [AoL scout's name] is leaving the Pack to join a Troop. I am sure you are going to find the same satisfactions there that you have found in Cub Scouting.
To symbolize your scout's growth and entrance into Scouts BSA, I will remove the blue shoulder loops, and you and your scout will then cross over the bridge, to be welcomed by Scoutmaster [name] of Troop [number].
(After the AoL den leader has removed the scout's shoulder loops and saluted, he hands them to a parent. Then, the scout and the parents cross the bridge and stand before the Scoutmaster.)
Scoutmaster: (Greets AoL scout and parents with handshake) As Scoutmaster of Troop [number], it is a pleasure for me to welcome you into the troop. We meet each week at [time] at [place]. We look forward to welcoming you at our next meeting.
Scout: (To AoL scout) I present to you this Scout neckerchief (Places rolled neckerchief around the AoL scout's neck) Wear it with pride; its colors are those of Troop [number], which welcomes you as our newest member.
(If the troop has green shoulder loops, put them on as well.)
(All exit)
To symbolize your scout's growth and entrance into Scouts BSA, I will remove the blue shoulder loops, and you and your scout will then cross over the bridge, to be welcomed by Scoutmaster [name] of Troop [number].
(After the AoL den leader has removed the scout's shoulder loops and saluted, he hands them to a parent. Then, the scout and the parents cross the bridge and stand before the Scoutmaster.)
Scoutmaster: (Greets AoL scout and parents with handshake) As Scoutmaster of Troop [number], it is a pleasure for me to welcome you into the troop. We meet each week at [time] at [place]. We look forward to welcoming you at our next meeting.
Scout: (To AoL scout) I present to you this Scout neckerchief (Places rolled neckerchief around the AoL scout's neck) Wear it with pride; its colors are those of Troop [number], which welcomes you as our newest member.
(If the troop has green shoulder loops, put them on as well.)
(All exit)
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