Silent Flag Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Cub Scouts.
At least 5 scouts.
U.S. Flag
Flashlight for each Scout in ceremony
U.S. Flag
Flashlight for each Scout in ceremony
Before you begin, turn off all lights.
Scouts in ceremony should be seated around flag pole, sitting on the ground.
Scouts in ceremony should be seated around flag pole, sitting on the ground.
Each Scout should have a flashlight - if less than 9 scouts, then some have two flashlights and two lines. They will turn on their flashlight, pointing it at the flag immediately before they recite their part of the ceremony. They should keep their light on after they speak.
Leader: Tonight you will hear the words of the Pledge to our country's flag. Reflect on the words in your heart as you hear them. Please rise and join us in saluting our flag. Place your right hand over your heart; Scouts in uniform should render the proper salute. Please listen quietly.
Scout 1: Turn on flashlight, "I pledge allegiance"
Scout 2: Turn on flashlight, "to the flag"
Scout 3: Turn on flashlight, "of the United States of America"
Scout 4: Turn on flashlight, "and to the Republic"
Scout 5: Turn on flashlight, "for which it stands"
Scout 6: Turn on flashlight, "one Nation, under God"
Scout 7: Turn on flashlight, "indivisible"
Scout 8: Turn on flashlight, "with liberty"
Scout 9: Turn on flashlight, "and justice for all"
Leader: Scouts, please make the Cub Scout sign and join us in the Scout Law.
A Scout is:
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful
Friendly, Courteous, Kind
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty
Brave, Clean, and Reverent
Leader: Two.
(turn on lights. turn off flashlights.)
Please return to your seats.
Leader: Tonight you will hear the words of the Pledge to our country's flag. Reflect on the words in your heart as you hear them. Please rise and join us in saluting our flag. Place your right hand over your heart; Scouts in uniform should render the proper salute. Please listen quietly.
Scout 1: Turn on flashlight, "I pledge allegiance"
Scout 2: Turn on flashlight, "to the flag"
Scout 3: Turn on flashlight, "of the United States of America"
Scout 4: Turn on flashlight, "and to the Republic"
Scout 5: Turn on flashlight, "for which it stands"
Scout 6: Turn on flashlight, "one Nation, under God"
Scout 7: Turn on flashlight, "indivisible"
Scout 8: Turn on flashlight, "with liberty"
Scout 9: Turn on flashlight, "and justice for all"
Leader: Scouts, please make the Cub Scout sign and join us in the Scout Law.
A Scout is:
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful
Friendly, Courteous, Kind
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty
Brave, Clean, and Reverent
Leader: Two.
(turn on lights. turn off flashlights.)
Please return to your seats.
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