New Scout 2 Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Scout scouts.
3 lit candles on ceremony table.
Sr. Patrol Leader: Tonight, we have some children here ready to join Troop [number] and become Scouts. They have passed their requirements and qualify to receive the Scout rank badge.
Candidates, when your name is called, please come forward and form a straight line behind the table, facing the troop.
ASPL: (call names)
SPL: These 3 candles represent the 3 parts of the Scout Oath - Duty to God, Duty to Others, and Duty to Self. The flames of these candles represent the spirit of scouting and each scout's honor.
SPL: The Scout Oath is a pledge to strive for a way of life that has guided millions of youth and adults before you. It is not a pledge to be taken lightly. The Oath begins, "On my honor, I will do my Best."
Before I ask you to make this promise, think about what those first few words mean and if you are willing to give your word to do your best.
[wait 5 seconds]
SPL: Are you ready to make this promise to do your best?
(scouts reply)
SPL: Troop [number], attention!
SPL: Troop [number], give the Scout Sign.
SPL: Candidates, give the Scout Sign.
SPL: Candidates, join the troop in reciting the Scout Oath.
On my honor, I will do my best,
To do my duty to God and my country.
To obey the Scout Law.
To help other people at all times.
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
SPL: Troop, be seated!
SPL: Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, please hand the Scout Badges to these children that have taken an oath to uphold the ideals of Scouting.
SPL: Parents of these children, please stand.
You children, go to your parents now and have one of them pin your Scout badge to your uniform. And you give the parent pin that is attached to your card to them. Then, quickly return here.
[when all scouts have returned, continue...]
SPL: Scouts, notice I'm no longer calling you 'Children'? You Scouts are the lifeblood of this troop. You are the next generation of leaders and I am honored to welcome each of you into this troop!
[ Give Scout Handshake to each ]
SPL: Troop [number], attention!
SPL: Troop, please join me in welcoming these new SCOUTS!
Candidates, when your name is called, please come forward and form a straight line behind the table, facing the troop.
ASPL: (call names)
SPL: These 3 candles represent the 3 parts of the Scout Oath - Duty to God, Duty to Others, and Duty to Self. The flames of these candles represent the spirit of scouting and each scout's honor.
SPL: The Scout Oath is a pledge to strive for a way of life that has guided millions of youth and adults before you. It is not a pledge to be taken lightly. The Oath begins, "On my honor, I will do my Best."
Before I ask you to make this promise, think about what those first few words mean and if you are willing to give your word to do your best.
[wait 5 seconds]
SPL: Are you ready to make this promise to do your best?
(scouts reply)
SPL: Troop [number], attention!
SPL: Troop [number], give the Scout Sign.
SPL: Candidates, give the Scout Sign.
SPL: Candidates, join the troop in reciting the Scout Oath.
On my honor, I will do my best,
To do my duty to God and my country.
To obey the Scout Law.
To help other people at all times.
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
SPL: Troop, be seated!
SPL: Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, please hand the Scout Badges to these children that have taken an oath to uphold the ideals of Scouting.
SPL: Parents of these children, please stand.
You children, go to your parents now and have one of them pin your Scout badge to your uniform. And you give the parent pin that is attached to your card to them. Then, quickly return here.
[when all scouts have returned, continue...]
SPL: Scouts, notice I'm no longer calling you 'Children'? You Scouts are the lifeblood of this troop. You are the next generation of leaders and I am honored to welcome each of you into this troop!
[ Give Scout Handshake to each ]
SPL: Troop [number], attention!
SPL: Troop, please join me in welcoming these new SCOUTS!
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Jan 29, 2015 - Leonard Alcala 2nd
This example of how we introduce these new Scouts into our "NEW" Scouts into our Crew,Team or Troop, it really helped me since I was never explained how to do this & seeing as how I am the Scoutmaster, I will do my best to make it even that much more "FUN" for the Boys & for the Parents as well :)
Leonard Unit #1161
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