New Scout Circle Ceremony
Troop and US Flags are placed in center of room.
Scoutmaster and SPL stand by flags.
Troop circles the flags, ordered by patrols, facing outward with elbows linked.
Troop: We are prepared!
(This is the signal for the troop guide to lead the candidate in, halting him outside the circle, opposite the SPL.)
SPL: Troop Guide, who is with you?
Troop Guide: I have Candidate _________ (name), who wishes to join our troop and become a Scout. ______ has met the requirements and is duly qualified.
SPL: (to candidate): Candidate, you come from the darkness into the light of Scouting, and you see before you the Scouts of Troop _____ in an unbroken circle of comradeship, guarding the flags of their country and their troop.
How will you, an outsider, secure a place in this circle?
[[ Use this if permanent patrols ...
Patrol Leader (of patrol the new scout is joining): Sir, the _______ Patrol will open the circle and admit the candidate.
SPL: Good. In doing so, you accept this scout into your patrol. (Troop Guide conducts the candidate to the opening the patrol leader has made by dropping their elbows and leads the candidate into the center of the circle in front of the Scoutmaster.)
[[ Or, use this if new scout patrols ...
Have all Eagle scouts standing together in the circle.
ASPL: Sir, the Eagle Scouts (or Life Scouts if no Eagles) will open the circle and admit the candidate.
SPL: Good. In doing so, you accept this scout into our troop. (Troop Guide conducts the candidate to the opening the scouts have made by dropping their elbows and leads the candidate into the center of the circle in front of the Scoutmaster.)
Scoutmaster (to troop): Troop, about face!
(Circle now faces in.)
Scoutmaster (to candidate:) You have been admitted to our troop circle. Place your left hand on the flag of your troop and raise your right hand in the Scout Sign.
Dedicate yourself by reciting the Scout Oath.
(Candidate begins the Scout Oath, and the troop joins him.)
Scoutmaster: Now, where will I get a badge for this Scout?
Scout: I offer my Scout badge for this new scout to wear.
(This older Scout may be a personal friend of the candidate or some scout whom the candidate respects.)
Scoutmaster: Very well. Present your badge to this new Scout.
Older Scout steps into the circle and pins the badge on the new scout.
Scoutmaster (to new scout): You have been given a badge that has been worn with honor and distinction by a Scout who has gone before you. This shows our friendship for you and the trust we place in you. As Scoutmaster of Troop ____, I declare you a Scout and a full member of this troop.
SPL: Troop, join me in congratulating our newest scout!
(The Scouts shake hands with the new Scout. The patrol leader then walks the new Scout to a place in the circle.)
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