Akela Arrow of Light Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for AoL scouts.
3 arrows: green, red, yellow
large Arrow of Light symbol on stand
(optional): campfire, drums
large Arrow of Light symbol on stand
(optional): campfire, drums
Lay the 3 arrows on the ground by the campfire.
Cubmaster: Tonight we have the special privilege of witnessing the presentation of the highest award in Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light.
(Lights are turned out and spots are shown on stage. Can have a slow drumbeat and campfire centerstage)
Cubmaster: I, Akela, have heard the drums speak. I now call to the council fire, the following scouts and their parents - [call names]
(scouts and parents come forward)
Cubmaster: Gather around this campfire so that the others may look upon you. I, Akela, have heard of your great achievements and have brought for you the reward of your deeds. Look upon the symbol that stands beside you. (Spotlight on the Arrow of Light symbol)
Cubmaster: Before you lie symbols placed here by your leaders. I, Akela, say to you Scout [one name], pick up the green arrow. Bring it back to your fellow Arrow of Light scouts. All of you scouts as a single tribe, hold the green arrow with your left hand and give the Scout Sign.
This green arrow represents perseverence and dedication to personal growth. Do you promise to continue to follow the trail of the Eagle, wherever it may lead you? If you do, say, "I Promise".
Cubmaster: Scout [one name], retrieve the red arrow and have your fellow scouts hold it along with the green arrow.
This red arrow represents the courage it takes to live the Scout Oath in your life.
Give the Scout Sign. Do you promise to live the Scout Oath?
Cubmaster: Now, Scout [one name], retrieve the yellow arrow.
This yellow arrow represents the light and brightness that a true Scout brings to the world by obeying the Scout Law.
Give the Scout Sign. Do you promise to be forever trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent?
Cubmaster: This bundle of three arrows resembles the Scout sign. Like your three outstretched fingers, it stands for the three parts of the Scout Oath. Your hands holding the arrows together are like your thumb and little finger that, when brought together, stand for the bond that ties all Scouts together. Now you are ready to receive the highest award of Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light.
(Cubmaster retrieves bundle of arrows from scouts and sets it aside)
Cubmaster: Before you stands the Arrow of Light. Within the tepee of many braves, this symbol has an honored place. Its shaft is straight and narrow - just as the path that you should follow throughout your life. Its tip points the way - the way to success in all that you do. It is pointing to the right - a symbol that nothing should be left undone; if it is within your power to do it, see that it is done.
Cubmaster: And lastly, the symbol of the seven rays of the sun - one for each day of the week to remind you that every day is a new day, a day to do your best in everything. A day to honor your God and your country, to do your Good Turn, a new chance to follow the Scout Law and to remember these words: ON MY HONOR.
Cubmaster: Now, your Den Leader [name] will hand to the parents the Arrow of Light so they can pin it on their scout.
Now the scouts will pin upon their mom or dad the miniature Arrow of Light, and give them a big hug for all their help.
Cubmaster: Now that you have received the Arrow of Light, let its light shine forth from you. Promise now to set an example for others to follow in your footsteps, set your eye on the Eagle and never waiver. Do you promise?
AoL scouts: We promise.
Cubmaster: I, Akela, declare that you are now full-fledged Arrow of Light holders. Pack, stand and join me in a roaring congratulations!
(Lights are turned out and spots are shown on stage. Can have a slow drumbeat and campfire centerstage)
Cubmaster: I, Akela, have heard the drums speak. I now call to the council fire, the following scouts and their parents - [call names]
(scouts and parents come forward)
Cubmaster: Gather around this campfire so that the others may look upon you. I, Akela, have heard of your great achievements and have brought for you the reward of your deeds. Look upon the symbol that stands beside you. (Spotlight on the Arrow of Light symbol)
Cubmaster: Before you lie symbols placed here by your leaders. I, Akela, say to you Scout [one name], pick up the green arrow. Bring it back to your fellow Arrow of Light scouts. All of you scouts as a single tribe, hold the green arrow with your left hand and give the Scout Sign.
This green arrow represents perseverence and dedication to personal growth. Do you promise to continue to follow the trail of the Eagle, wherever it may lead you? If you do, say, "I Promise".
Cubmaster: Scout [one name], retrieve the red arrow and have your fellow scouts hold it along with the green arrow.
This red arrow represents the courage it takes to live the Scout Oath in your life.
Give the Scout Sign. Do you promise to live the Scout Oath?
Cubmaster: Now, Scout [one name], retrieve the yellow arrow.
This yellow arrow represents the light and brightness that a true Scout brings to the world by obeying the Scout Law.
Give the Scout Sign. Do you promise to be forever trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent?
Cubmaster: This bundle of three arrows resembles the Scout sign. Like your three outstretched fingers, it stands for the three parts of the Scout Oath. Your hands holding the arrows together are like your thumb and little finger that, when brought together, stand for the bond that ties all Scouts together. Now you are ready to receive the highest award of Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light.
(Cubmaster retrieves bundle of arrows from scouts and sets it aside)
Cubmaster: Before you stands the Arrow of Light. Within the tepee of many braves, this symbol has an honored place. Its shaft is straight and narrow - just as the path that you should follow throughout your life. Its tip points the way - the way to success in all that you do. It is pointing to the right - a symbol that nothing should be left undone; if it is within your power to do it, see that it is done.
Cubmaster: And lastly, the symbol of the seven rays of the sun - one for each day of the week to remind you that every day is a new day, a day to do your best in everything. A day to honor your God and your country, to do your Good Turn, a new chance to follow the Scout Law and to remember these words: ON MY HONOR.
Cubmaster: Now, your Den Leader [name] will hand to the parents the Arrow of Light so they can pin it on their scout.
Now the scouts will pin upon their mom or dad the miniature Arrow of Light, and give them a big hug for all their help.
Cubmaster: Now that you have received the Arrow of Light, let its light shine forth from you. Promise now to set an example for others to follow in your footsteps, set your eye on the Eagle and never waiver. Do you promise?
AoL scouts: We promise.
Cubmaster: I, Akela, declare that you are now full-fledged Arrow of Light holders. Pack, stand and join me in a roaring congratulations!
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