Wet Penny Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA, Webelos scouts.
a penny for each scout
an eye dropper for each patrol
a dixie cup of water for each patrol
a paper towel for each patrol
an eye dropper for each patrol
a dixie cup of water for each patrol
a paper towel for each patrol
Hand out the equipment to each patrol leader.
Tell each patrol leader to set the paper towel on the floor or table.
Arrange a penny for each scout around the edge of the paper towel and the dixie cup of water in the center.
Have each scout in the patrol estimate how many drops of water can be placed on the top of a penny before the water overflows onto the paper towel. Each scout should announce the guessed number to the patrol.
There will be two winners in each patrol:
Pass the eyedropper around the patrol with each scout placing 5 drops on their penny each turn until it overflows. When it overflows, that scout is out.
Chances are good that everyone will woefully underestimate the amount of water their penny will hold. Some might 'cheat' and force an overflow right at their guessed number by touching the water with the eyedropper. Well, they'll be the closest winner but will not get to participate in the majority of the activity.
Reflection: Who did better than they expected? Did you set your goals too low? Do you think we hinder ourselves from doing great things because we set artificial limits to our abilities?
Tell each patrol leader to set the paper towel on the floor or table.
Arrange a penny for each scout around the edge of the paper towel and the dixie cup of water in the center.
Have each scout in the patrol estimate how many drops of water can be placed on the top of a penny before the water overflows onto the paper towel. Each scout should announce the guessed number to the patrol.
There will be two winners in each patrol:
- the one that guessed closest
- the one that places the most drops
Pass the eyedropper around the patrol with each scout placing 5 drops on their penny each turn until it overflows. When it overflows, that scout is out.
Chances are good that everyone will woefully underestimate the amount of water their penny will hold. Some might 'cheat' and force an overflow right at their guessed number by touching the water with the eyedropper. Well, they'll be the closest winner but will not get to participate in the majority of the activity.
Reflection: Who did better than they expected? Did you set your goals too low? Do you think we hinder ourselves from doing great things because we set artificial limits to our abilities?
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