Quartermaster's Shakedown Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA.
all the camping gear a patrol would take on a weekend campout
Goal: Inventory all the troop's gear in a fun, rewarding way.
Instructions: Every patrol gathers all of its tents, tarps, patrol box, flag, sleeping bags, packs, and whatever else they need as if they are heading out on a weekend campout.
Each patrol is given an area in which they are to set up camp.
At the 'GO' signal, each patrol lays out their camp, defines firering, sets up tents, and puts personal sleeping gear in tents.
Rather than having a race to see who finishes first, set an alloted time of 20 minutes to complete the task. When time is up, unbiased judges (or all patrol leaders) check each campsite for quality.
During the activity, the Quartermaster can be taking an inventory. Missing items since the last inventory can be replaced, but will cost a deduction in that patrol's score.
Scoring: Some possible things to check on:
Instructions: Every patrol gathers all of its tents, tarps, patrol box, flag, sleeping bags, packs, and whatever else they need as if they are heading out on a weekend campout.
Each patrol is given an area in which they are to set up camp.
At the 'GO' signal, each patrol lays out their camp, defines firering, sets up tents, and puts personal sleeping gear in tents.
Rather than having a race to see who finishes first, set an alloted time of 20 minutes to complete the task. When time is up, unbiased judges (or all patrol leaders) check each campsite for quality.
During the activity, the Quartermaster can be taking an inventory. Missing items since the last inventory can be replaced, but will cost a deduction in that patrol's score.
Scoring: Some possible things to check on:
- Cleanliness and maintenance of gear
- Arrangement of campsite - sleeping, cooking, food storage, eating areas - for efficiency, animal safety, and looks
- Neatness of personal gear - gear stowed outside of tents, only sleeping gear inside, neatly ordered sleeping bags and pads inside
- Display of patrol flag
- Distance from fire to combustibles
- Tent setup - correctly attached and staked rainflies, everything tight and taut.
- 10 Essentials - does each scout have appropriate gear?
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