Map Making Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA.
This is a good patrol activity for a weekend or week-long camp.
Give each patrol a paper and pencil.
Their task is to create the best map of the camping area before dinner or some other set time. They can create it throughout the day as they wish. There should be some incentive to shoot for.
When the maps are turned in, some things to grade on:
Some Reflection Questions:
Their task is to create the best map of the camping area before dinner or some other set time. They can create it throughout the day as they wish. There should be some incentive to shoot for.
When the maps are turned in, some things to grade on:
- oriented North to Top on paper
- Title of Map
- Scale
- Key/Legend to describe markings
- Vegetation included
- Bodies of Water included
- Roads, Buildings, Paths included
- Topography
Some Reflection Questions:
- What skills were used in creating the map?
- Did one scout draw the map or multiple scouts?
- What would be the most useful feature to add to your map that was left off?
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