Human Pyramid Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA.
This is sort of a trick activity. You might want to re-inforce listening to exact requirements. Be careful that activities like this do not teach scouts to look for loop-holes in rules or ways to 'cheat' by side-stepping requirements.
The only direction is 'The patrol that builds a human pyramid using all the scouts in their patrol fastest, wins.'
It is not the tallest pyramid, just the fastest built.
(The fastest way for 10 scouts is to have the first 4 lay face down side-by-side, then 3 lay on top of them, then 2, then 1. If they are all standing in place behind each other at the 'GO' command, it should only take 2 seconds to fall into place.)
It is not the tallest pyramid, just the fastest built.
(The fastest way for 10 scouts is to have the first 4 lay face down side-by-side, then 3 lay on top of them, then 2, then 1. If they are all standing in place behind each other at the 'GO' command, it should only take 2 seconds to fall into place.)
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