Animal Tracks
What do fresh snow, mud, and dirt have in common?
They're perfect for finding animal tracks on your next hike!
But, once you've found the tracks, you need to figure out what animal made them. That can be a challenge, especially for people just starting their outdoors adventures.
These Animal Track ID Cards are great for identifying 16 animals you might find on your travels, from the tiny mouse to the huge bear. It's a great resource to print and keep in your pocket for quick reference.
What should you do if a young one asks you, "Hey, what's that print?"
Hand him the sheet so he can figure it out himself instead of impressing him with your infinite wisdom and simply saying, "Oh, that's a wolf." Discovery is the best teacher!
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(If that link above doesn't work, see the backup.)
Posted: 13:36 02-13-2013 947
Nov 13, 2015 - Deaf Scouter
Would you by chance have these animal track cards without the
colored background? I really would like to print these on white
cardstock to use as games in our event during the lunch hour and
to have on hand for scouts that finish their merit badge session
early. Planning on cutting the colored titles out then lamination
to the two pieces and the Scouts have to match them up.
Thankfully there are several colors for choices for each color:
red, green and gray.
Jun 05, 2016 - Kerstin Rathbone
Hi, I am helping with our summer Twilight Camp and these are a
good way to help the kids with identification and to lead them
to their next activity. Put out signs with the print in their
den's color along the path they need to take for the night. At
some point have a sign with the info from each card. At the end
of the night they guess what the animal is and flip the sign
over to see if they are correct. Since we have multiple dens and
do activities for 4 days we are using 8 animals so they can do 2
animals a day. Just thought this might help someone else out!
Jul 25, 2018 - Tricia Patricco
Thank you! These are great! Going to use with our Wolf Den for
campout this weekend! Pack 182 Warren, NJ
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