Scout Summer Jobs

Yeah, yeah, I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but it's not too early to think about work for next summer. Camps and other great places to work need to line up their staff over the winter and that means scouts need to get their applications in soon.
Now's a good time to tell those mature scouts in your troop to get started.
The BSA has over 400 scout camps, 60 council high adventure programs, and 4 national high adventure bases. Many of the 900,000 Boy Scouts will spend a week next summer at one of those places, but only a few will spend their entire summer there - and get paid to do it! Why spend a summer working with the Boy Scouts? Well, there's plenty of reasons:
- Become friends with other scouts from around the country, even other countries
- Lots of camping nights to use for your National awards
- Tons of teamwork, both leading and following
- Hone and expand your outdoors skills
- Become a better teacher, leader, and friend
- Assist young scouts on their trail of becoming young men
- Live, work, and breathe Scouting in an environment focused on Scouting
- Learn from experienced senior staff with the same values as you
- Receive food, lodging, and pay for work well done
- Take on greater responsibilities as you prove your abilities
- Start a record of strong work ethic for future jobs
- You don't have to make change for a $20
- Your clothes and hair don't smell like french fry oil
- The uniform doesn't have a big M, DQ, or BK on it
Here are a few camps for example, but you can contact your council to find out what employment opportunities are near you.
- Camp Many Point - Northern Star Council
- Camp Cedars Mid-America Council
- Cascade Pacific Council
- Shawnee Trail Council
- Patriots Path COuncil
- Crossroads of America Council
- Capitol Area Council
- Philmont
- Sea Base
- Northern Tier
Scout On
Posted: 15:19 11-12-2012 928
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