Unit Flag Decorations
Our troop flag is fairly bland. Red and white with the BSA emblem in the center. But, here’s a flag from Pennsylvania celebrating the troop’s 75 year history. There are three flag decoration items that can be added to a flag, if desired. These items can be purchased from the BSA at ScoutStuff.org or your local scout shop.
- Flag fringes and tassles - A gold cord and tassle can be tied to the flag pole for a distinctive touch. A gold fringe can be sewn around the flag border.
Neither of these items have significant meaning and are meant to make the flag display a bit more pronounced. - Veteran Unit emblem - This emblem represents the number of years the unit has been in existence and is a completely optional decoration to add or leave off. The emblem comes as a square of cloth, but can be sewn as a round.
Emblem is affixed to unit flag midway between the top and bottom of the flag and midway between the staff edge and center flag emblem. - Gold Stars - Gold stars may be affixed to the unit flag indicating past members of the unit who died in the service of their country. The stars should be placed along the staff edge of the flag, parallel to the staff, with the bottom star 6 inches from the staff edge and 6 inches from the bottom edge; subsequent stars to be placed proportionately on that line, up to the place assigned to the veteran insignia.
I’ve not been able to find a picture of a troop flag that displays the veteran emblem and gold stars.
There are no images of the gold stars or fringes on ScoutStuff.org so I'm in a bit of a quandry here.
If you send me a photo of your troop flag prominently and clearly showing gold stars, fringe, and veteran emblem so I can post it here, I’ll send your troop a thank you gift.
Scout On
Well, I've received pictures from Troop and Pack 33 in Takoma Park, MD showing their flags with gold stars and veteran unit emblem. They don't have gold fringe on the flag, but here's the image. (Click it for a larger version)
Feb 20, 2013 - BG Andersen
Feb 21, 2013 - Scouter Paul
Apr 07, 2013 - John Wilder
Apr 18, 2016 - Walter T. Downing Sr
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