What's an Eagle Factory?
Due to the comments contributed to my previous post, I'm curious what people mean when they say "Eagle Factory". So, what is it?
I could find just a couple troops that refer to themselves as eagle factories on the 'net, with the general meaning that they have a focus of 'directing' scouts to eagle rank.
I could find hundreds of instances of troops and scouts posting that they are not eagle factories or a product of one.
But, I could find very few descriptions of what an eagle factory is. I expect everyone has their own definition, very few of them positive.
I just figured our troop's percentage from data in Troopmaster and it looks like almost 40% of all scouts that joined from 2002-2005 will make it to Eagle. I imagine that just that number will cause some readers to say "eagle factory". But, it would be interesting to hear from you what characteristics an eagle factory troop has.
Here are a couple descriptions I could find:
What's your definition?
Scout On
I could find just a couple troops that refer to themselves as eagle factories on the 'net, with the general meaning that they have a focus of 'directing' scouts to eagle rank.
I could find hundreds of instances of troops and scouts posting that they are not eagle factories or a product of one.
But, I could find very few descriptions of what an eagle factory is. I expect everyone has their own definition, very few of them positive.
I just figured our troop's percentage from data in Troopmaster and it looks like almost 40% of all scouts that joined from 2002-2005 will make it to Eagle. I imagine that just that number will cause some readers to say "eagle factory". But, it would be interesting to hear from you what characteristics an eagle factory troop has.
Here are a couple descriptions I could find:
- Andy Anderson - An Eagle Factory troop has a routine program that "processes" boys to get Eagle. The boy only needs to show up, do what is asked of him, and he gets Eagle. Boys from these troops can achieve Eagle at age 14.
- Bob McCown - Its mostly an Eagle factory to get 'Eagle Scout' on college applications. Merit badge classes are a rubber-stamp joke, for the most part, and the whole "Scout Spirit" bit is shown just by showing up, not actually being a 'good scout'.
- Troop 20 - an Eagle factory, with its sole focus on obtaining Eagle.
- Guy Noir - the scout troop that’s an Eagle factory, focused on numbers but not the participants.
- Bob Hearn - an Eagle Factory Troop (get Eagle fast and Eagle out)
- Scouting Magazine - a 1995 article.
What's your definition?
Scout On
Posted: 20:49 12-08-2009 467
Jun 11, 2015 - Kelly Hart
I think the fact that we have to teach our boys to pass harsh judgement on other scouts is
awful. If we as parents, take the lead and celebrate our boys achievements without having
to tear others down we have shown them what a true scout is. All of this name calling is
crazy -- if a child does not get the same feeling of accomplishment as the boys who have
done more than "show up", that is his/and his parents cross to bear. Not ours! I was so
disheartened when my Life Scout came back from OA and his first comment was there
were so many boys there that come from Eagle Factories. WHAT? Who gave my son the
right to judge? Was he there making sure these boys were just getting merit badge stamps
without completing the packet? NO...so who gave him the right to judge? Oh yeah -- his
troop and others like the people here. Shame on you.
Oct 24, 2015 - Edward Ross
First of all- I am not in scouting- I have always thought that "earning the achievement of Eagle Scout" was a respectable thing and I am sure it is in most cases where the individual earns it. I have lost some respect for this award when I witnessed one my friends push his boy through scouting to achieve this award. The individual was his sons scout leader and somehow the young man was able to achieve th award at 14 years of age. I know his son and I have a hard time buying that this individual could truly earn this achievement. The son posted a YouTube video entitled 'I google myself' shortly before earning the award. In the video the soon to be recipient was googling himself to see if there was anything out on the web that might keep him from getting the award, he is heard on the video basically admitting what he was doing, and admitting he didn't know how he was earning the award because he was so immature-as soon the award was earned they both dropped out of scouting
Feb 04, 2017 - Martin Kwapinski
I have been associated with the BSA for over 37 years, and have seen too many instances where the Scout Program is not followed and requirements are not enforced. As a result, I have met many higher-ranked Scouts who do not possess even the most rudimentary of Scout skills. Many Troops push their Scouts through advancement without actually requiring that individual Scouts actually demonstrate proficiency in the skills that are published by the BSA as required for rank advancement - and they are also given Merit Badges without actually earning them. In addition, boy leaders are not held accountable for actually fulfilling the requirements of their positions. The results are that the Scouts are unqualified, the Scouting program becomes a travesty, and the boys - who ultimately realize that they have not really earned their ranks - become cynical about the Scouting experience.
A couple of ways to determine if your Unit is an "Eagle Factory" is to ascertain just how closely the requirements are enforced by the Scoutmaster and the Advancement Committee, to recognize if the Troop meetings follow the program planning guides, or if they instead feature Merit Badge workshops, and to calculate the percentage of Merit Badges that are awarded by counselors who are also registered in your Troop, particularly if they are registered as "Unit only" counselors.
A couple of ways to determine if your Unit is an "Eagle Factory" is to ascertain just how closely the requirements are enforced by the Scoutmaster and the Advancement Committee, to recognize if the Troop meetings follow the program planning guides, or if they instead feature Merit Badge workshops, and to calculate the percentage of Merit Badges that are awarded by counselors who are also registered in your Troop, particularly if they are registered as "Unit only" counselors.
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