At the end of October, units could start claiming their Centennial Quality Unit goals for 2007. This is the first year when this new CQU award replaced the normal Quality Unit award.
The six requirements for the award raised quite a stir this year around here. Lots of confusion and questions about just what was needed to actually earn the award, especially compared to the fairly simple requirements for past QU awards.
New Requirements | Old Requirements |
- Have ___ percent of direct contact leaders complete Basic Leader Training for their position, including Youth Protection Training.
- Retain ______ percent of our members, recruit ______ new youth, and recharter on time.
- Recruit ______ new adults
to be active. - Have a minimum of 60 percent of youth advance in rank for Cub Scouting and
Boy Scouting or earn Venturing recognition awards, or improve by 10 percent over last year. - At least 70 percent of youth have an outdoor experience or one activity per month, or improve the percentage over last year.
- Conduct annual program planning and provide the financial resources to deliver a quality program.
| (Complete 1st four requirements and any two more.)- Scoutmaster completes Boy Scout Leader Fast Start Training and Basic Leader Training for Scoutmasters.
- One or more Assistant Scoutmasters registered, trained, and active. One registered adult is assigned responsibility for Youth Protection training.
- Conduct six highlight activities and attend a BSA long-term camp.
- Complete charter renewal before current charter expires.
- Conduct an annual program planning conference, publish an annual troop program calendar, and present it to parents at a family activity.
- Conduct a service project annually, preferably for the chartered organization or the community. The project will be reported on the www.goodturnforamerica.org web site.
- 60 percent or more of youth advance a rank, or have a 10 percent increase in total rank advancement over a year ago.
- A Boys’ Life subscription will go into the homes of all youth, or have a 10 percent increase over a year ago.
- Renew charter with an equal or greater number of youth registered over a year ago.
- Conduct Troop Junior Leader Training as outlined in the Scoutmaster Handbook and hold monthly patrol leaders’ council meetings.
The past QU requirements were all pre-set. With the CQU, each unit sets its own goals for the first 3 requirements. Some units may low-ball to ensure the award while others may challenge themselves and miss the goals.
The curious thing is looking forward to 2008 and the changes in the requirements. Individual units will get to set their own percentages for requirements #4 and #5 - effectively letting each unit decide what is needed to earn the award. See this
2007-2008 comparison.
Scout On
Posted: 12:09 11-21-2007 265
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