Wolf Council Fire Adventure
Adventure Goal: Build citizenship by learning more about the community and doing service.
Adventure Requirements:
Complete Requirements 1 and 2 plus at least one other.
- With your den or pack, participate in a flag ceremony, and learn how to properly care for and fold the flag.
- Participate in a community service project with your pack, den, or family.
- With your parent or guardian’s permission, talk to a military veteran, law enforcement officer, member of the fire department, or someone else approved by your Den Leader. Talk about his or her service to the community or country. After you have visited with the individual, write a short thank-you note.
- Learn about the changes in your community, and create a project to show your den how the community has changed.
- Select one issue in your community, and present to your den your ideas for a solution to the problem.
- Work with your den to develop a den duty chart, and perform these tasks for one month.
- Participate in an event such as a parade or assembly celebrating military veterans.
Ideas for Adventure Requirements:
- The key concept to get across when handling the flag is to show respect. There are multitudes of ceremonies available, but few 'rules' regarding the U.S. flag.
- Use Wolf Den Job Chart
- Changes can be good or bad. Some changes can use encouragement while others need correction. Each scout should come up with their own project idea, but the entire den should choose a single project to present to the pack committee.
- This project can take a few months from first idea to completion. Communicate with the committee chair to arrange a time for the den to visit and present their project idea. - this may take a couple of months lead time. Then, the actual planning and execution of the project will take even longer.
- Invite a community servant to your den meeting or arrange a den visit to his/her place of work. Other roles include park ranger, government official, paramedic, or food shelf manager.
- At your pack leader meetings, remember to discuss what projects, skits, songs, ... each den plans to bring to upcoming pack meetings so the Cubmaster is aware.
Den Meeting Ideas for Council Fire Adventure:
- Try some of these flag ceremonies: #1, #2, #3, #4.
- Review U.S. flag knowledge with the Flag Test.
- Consider doing a Flag Retirement project.
- Sing Grand Old Flag song.
- Tell Ragged Old Flag minute, or watch the video.
- Sing the litter, trash, and pollution verses of I've Been Working On the Railroad song.
- Find Project Ideas or get ideas from Recent Eagle projects.
- Play some Conservation games.
- If you have a police officer with a good sense of humor visit your den meeting, s/he might enjoy this skit or this one. If it's a firefighter, you might share this joke.
- Tell Disneyland Garbage minute to the den.
- Play Newspaper Basketball game.
- Perform Talking Trash skit
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