Overview Requirements Hints Terminology Resources
Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Info
The goal of the Citizenship in Society merit badge is to help educate Scouts on what diversity, equity, and inclusion are; why they are important; and how to lead ethically and inclusively to contribute to the cultivation of an environment of belonging for all Scouts. Scouts are asked to do extensive exploration into their own learning, growth, and views about others. This merit badge is unique in that it has no pamphlet of information, and counselors of this merit badge are asked to complete specific training offered by the BSA before counseling scouts.
The vast majority of the merit badge requirements are Discuss/Explain/Describe form, making this merit badge fairly easy to complete with a very broad range of acceptable responses to the requirements. The most demanding requirement is an interview with another Scout or youth. The vast majority of this merit badge could be completed with a few hours of effort, and is a great one for a scout to work on at home with occasional counselor meetings.
As an eagle-required merit badge, Citizenship in Society will be one of the most commonly completed merit badges starting in July, 2022.
Requirements for the Citizenship In Society merit badge:
- Before beginning work on other requirements for this merit badge:
- Research the following terms, and then explain to your merit badge counselor how you feel they relate to the Scout Oath and Scout Law:
- Identities
- Inclusion
- Diversity
- Discrimination
- Equity
- Ethical Leadership
- Equality
- Upstander
- Research the following terms, and then explain to your merit badge counselor how you feel they relate to the Scout Oath and Scout Law:
- Document and discuss with your counselor what leadership means to you. Share what it means to make ethical decisions.
- Research and share with your counselor an individual you feel has demonstrated positive leadership while having to make an ethical decision. (It could be someone in history, a family member, a teacher, a coach, a counselor, a clergy member, a Scoutmaster, etc.)
- Explain what decision and/or options that leader had, why you believe they chose their final course of action, and the outcome of that action.
- Consider ethical decision-making.
- Think about a time you faced an ethical decision.
- Discuss the situation, what you did, and how it made you feel.
- Share if you would do anything differently in the future and if so, what that would be.
- List three examples of ethical decisions you might have to make in the future at school, at home, in the workplace, or in your community, and what you would do.
- Share how your actions represent alignment with the Scout Oath and Scout Law
- Explain to your counselor how you plan to use what you have learned to assist you when that time comes, and what action(s) you can take to serve as an upstander and help other people at all times.
- Think about a time you faced an ethical decision.
- Scenario 1: While at camp, a youth accidentally spills food on another camper. The camper who gets spilled on gets angry and says something that is offensive to people with disabilities; their friends laugh. What could/should you do?
- Scenario 2: Your friend confides in you that some students in school are making insulting comments about one of their identities, and that those same students created a fake social media account to impersonate your friend online and post messages. What could/should you do?
- Scenario 3: A new student in your class was born in another country (or has a parent who was born in another country). Your friends make rude comments to the student about their speech or clothes and tell the student to "go back home where you came from." What could/should you do?
- Ideas on what you personally can do to create a welcoming environment in your Scouting unit.
- An experience you had in which you went out of your way to include another Scout(s) and what you did to make them feel included and welcomed.
- Things you can do to help ensure all Scouts in your unit are given an opportunity to be heard and included in decision-making and planning.
- Share with each other what makes the different aspect of your identity meaningful/special to you.
- Share with each other either one of the following:
- A time you felt excluded from a group.
- What was the situation?
- How did it make you feel?
- What did you do?
- Did anyone stand up for you?
- What did you learn?
- Would you do anything differently today?
- This imaginary situation:
- You're attending a new school and don’t know anyone there yet. You notice they dress very differently than you do. At lunchtime, you decide you'll try to sit with a group to get to know other students. People at two tables tell you there is someone sitting at the currently empty seat at their table, so you end up eating by yourself.
- How would that make you feel?
- What could the students have done?
- If that happened at your school, what would you do?
- You're attending a new school and don’t know anyone there yet. You notice they dress very differently than you do. At lunchtime, you decide you'll try to sit with a group to get to know other students. People at two tables tell you there is someone sitting at the currently empty seat at their table, so you end up eating by yourself.
- A time you felt excluded from a group.
- Discuss with your counselor what you learned from the discussion with the other Scout or youth.
- Discover what inspired the individual, learn about the challenges they faced, and share what you feel attributed to their success.
- Discuss with your counselor what you learned and how you can apply it in your life.
- Making others feel included.
- Practicing active listening.
- Creating an environment where others feel comfortable to share their ideas and perspectives.
- Helping others feel valued for their input and suggestions.
- Standing up for others.
- Describe your ideas on how you can and will support others with different identities to feel included and heard at your school, workplace, and/or social settings in your community.
- Explain how including diverse thoughts and opinions from others with different identities can:
- Make your interactions more positive.
- Help everyone benefit by considering different opinions.
- Give three examples of how limiting diverse input can be harmful.
- Give three examples of how considering diverse opinions can lead to innovation and success.
Citizenship In Society Worksheet
Hints for Citizenship in Society Merit Badge
- Set aside some quiet time to work on this merit badge. The requirements demand that the scout engages their brain to think, contemplate, and consider.
- Some common 'outside of Scouting' areas of life could include school, church, sports, band, and clubs.
Terminology for the Citizenship in Society Merit Badge
- Identities - something everyone has many of, which include, but are not limited to: race, ethnicity, gender, age, financial background, mental or physical health and abilities, religious or ethical values.
- Inclusion - action or state of including or being included within a group or structure. Inclusion involves authentic participation and a genuine sense of belonging.
- Diversity - the presence of the incredible range of individual identities.
- Discrimination - act of making unjustified distinctions between human beings based on their diversity, be it groups, classes, or other categories to which they are perceived to belong. People may be discriminated against on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, or sexual orientation, as well as other categories.
- Equity - helping to provide individuals with the resources they need to ensure their ability to access the same opportunities as everyone else.
- Ethical Leadership - leadership that is directed by respect for ethical beliefs and values and for the dignity and rights of others. It is thus related to concepts such as trust, honesty, consideration, empathy, and fairness.
- Equality - the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.
- Upstander - a person who speaks or acts in support of an individual or cause, particularly someone who intervenes on behalf of a person being attacked or bullied. Upstanders support equal rights and equity for all people regardless of their identities.
- Stereotype - a generalized belief about a particular category of people.
Resources for Citizenship in Society Merit Badge
Racial Equity tools
ACT for Youth
Character Counts presents six pillars of character.
Ethical Decision Making
Tips for a Welcoming Environment
Read some Harmful Effects of Stereotyping.
A video about the merit badge:
Some other merit badges in the Citizenship theme include: Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, and Citizenship in the World. You might check them out if you found the Citizenship in Society merit badge interesting.
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