Scouting Ceremonies
Traditions and ceremonies are great motivators of young scouts. Making advancement special by having a unique presentation makes scouting more fulfilling. You can have small patrol flag ceremonies or a large troop court of honor ceremony for major advancements or accomplishments. Trying new ones instead of your old stand-bys will keep things interesting.
There are opportunities for creative ceremonies at all levels of scouting, whether its an Eagle Scout recognition or tenderfoot rank advancement, they can all be made special with a little effort. We have gathered a selection of interesting choices appropriate for each level of scouting and each stepping stone in the scout trail.
A scout ceremony can be silly or solemn, loud or quiet, large or small. An opening ceremony can be any short thing to get a meeting started just as a closing ends an event. In Scouts, each court of honor, troop meeting, flag in, and patrol meeting can use one.
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