Scoutmaster Musings
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This post brought to you by Victor Pest. All opinions are 100% mine.
Occasionally, a troop trailer will be stolen or equipment will be broken but, every year, troops and scouts run a greater risk of losing gear to mice and rodents. Tents, sleeping bags, rainflies, and the like are fine nesting spots for the little critters and cooking items not thoroughly cleaned can smell like a free meal.
At summer camp last year, we had a mouse actually get into a patrol box, shred paper towels, and make a nest. Everything non-metal in that box got thrown out and everything else was totally sanitized before being used again.
I just found out that Victor has some way cool high-tech rodent control options that are perfect for scout troops like ours. There are electronic traps and ultrasonic repellents, both more humane, effective, and clean than old style traps.
The Victor electronic trap uses a couple AA batteries and instead of squishing the mice, it quickly shocks them. It has an LED letting you know if it caught a mouse or not. Two of these in your troop trailer or shed or other place you store your gear that has no electricity will do the job. To empty and reset, you just turn it upside down over the garbage can and set it back down - pretty simple.
The Victor ultrasonic repellents, called PestChasers, are great for your garage or room with an electric plug. These Pest Chasers are safer than poison, cleaner and kinder than traps, and prevent rather than correct problems. A sound is produced that repels the rodents but is inaudible to humans and non-rodent pets. Just plug it in and that's it - mice stay clear of the area.
Now that winter is winding down, new scouts are joining the troop, and patrols are gearing up for summer camping, you and the quartermaster are probably evaluating equipment and cleaning the storage area. This is a perfect time to ensure the equipment is safe from rodents for the year ahead with just a little effort. Victor has a special promotion going on now that could fit a troop's needs well. It's called the "Protect Your Space Combo Kit" and includes:
- 1 Sonic PestChaser Heavy Duty
- 2 Sonic Mini PestChasers
- 2 Electronic Mouse Traps
- Free Shipping
For $99.99, you could provide six years of rodent control for your troop trailer, garage, and two other storage areas.
Check it out at: Victor Combo Kit page.
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When a new scout shows up for his first scoutmaster conference, he's kind of in limbo. His blue shoulder loops were replaced with green ones and he was given a Scout Handbook. But until he completes the Joining requirements, he doesn't have a troop neckerchief and slide or troop numerals to wear. He really, really, really wants that neckerchief and to belong to the gang.
I ask if he has any pets. Oh, he does! That's always a great place to start, sharing stories of pets. Then, I coax a bit about his family out of him. See how he likes school - or not. Finally, we work our way around to the joining requirements.
I just go down the list on page 17...
How old are you? Check
Did you find a troop to join? Check
Let's say the Pledge of Allegiance. Check
See how easy these requirements are? Nothing to it when you know your stuff.
How about that Scout Sign? Check
Salute? Check
Handshake? Check - by the way, when you shake with those older scouts in the troop, make sure you have a good, strong grip. Yeah, that's it!
See this cool scout badge - what do you see on it? What does that Eagle remind you of? What is a shield used for? Does this scroll look kind of like a smile? Have you ever heard of someone tying a string around their finger to remind them of something?
Do you have the Scout Law or Scout Promise memorized yet? No, that's ok, you don't need them memorized until Tenderfoot. Have you seen the movie "UP"?
I've found that pretty much every kid has seen "UP" by now - if you haven't I think you should. The scout, Russell, exemplifies pretty much every point of the Scout Law. So, I ask about a scene from the movie, for example when Russell was hanging from the hose, or when he was all covered in dirt, or when he first met the old man. And, we figure out if he was being brave, or clean, or courteous.
On this day, I got to have a great chat with a new scout. He's a great little kid with messed up hair, glasses, and a lot of something they used to call "spunk". I can hardly wait to see what sort of man he becomes. Let's get started...
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Loaded info for the last new scout into for events.
Had a scout volunteer to plan a 50-Miler trek for July - now he and I can start the fun of figuring out what all is needed. I'm looking forward to working with him on this little project.
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He drew a racetrack on the paper and marked off an area where the baton could be exchanged from one runner to the next. He explained that if the runner just stood there, there would be a collision. If he took off without the baton, he'd be running for no reason. So, the old and new runners need to work together to optimize the transition and to accomplish it inside the boundaries of the exchange zone.
He then told all the patrol leaders that they needed to pass off the baton to their replacements. They needed to help them start running and make the pass as smooth as possible and within a certain time.
I thought it was great guidance and a super way for him to wrap up his time with this team of his. And, I'm pretty sure I'm going to use his words for my scoutmaster minute next week. :-)
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So, I guess that's all I have to say about that. :-)
Actually, it was nice to visit with some friends.
Got some photos from the Klondike ready for the troop Historian to post to the photo gallery.
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Washed dishes from 85 people at church tonight - I guess that counts as a 'Good Turn'.
Sent advice about compass use, hiking boots, CPR, and LNT to folks I received email from. Hey, it cost them nothing and they probably got what they paid for. :-)
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Helped get a campsite for next month's outing. A different patrol with assistance from an adult plans each monthly outing. The patrol leader and adult had run out of ideas so they asked me for help. Since I know a guy that knows a guy I arranged a spot that will be great, and the first time the troop has ever camped there.
I also gave away a $25 scouting gift card, Class B $50 coupon, and a fire piston yesterday. If you didn't enter this month's contest yet, you're missing out.
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The SPL, along with some other high schoolers, was gone to a ski club dinner tonight so the ASPL ran the show. A first year patrol led the skills time and game time since their patrol is planning the campout coming up. It was all about knots - I'm not sure exactly WHAT knots, but I did recognize a couple bowlines and some half hitches. :-) The campout will be 'Pioneering' so they wanted to brush up on those skills.
I also met with a Tenderfoot this afternoon and an Eagle candidate.
This Eagle has 26 days until his 18th, but he's down to just signatures and turning in paperwork now.
I wonder what you thought when you read that last sentence? Maybe, "oh, another one waiting to the last minute." Or, "huh, somebody must have pushed him and he didn't want it." There's usually some reason a scout barely finishes his Eagle requirements in time, or sometimes not quite in time. In this case, it's the best of reasons as far as I can tell - Scouting is just one part of his well-rounded life.
This guy is the perfect example of what my personal vision is of an Eagle Scout.
Fitness: His sports training kept him from many scouting opportunities, enabling him to play varsity football and getting a college scholarship. He demonstrated his fitness in scouting on high adventure treks from Florida to Washington, swimming in oceans, climbing mountains, and backpacking hundreds of miles.
Citizenship: When he graduates in a couple months, he'll be serving his country in the military.
Character: In seven years with the troop, serving as SPL and other positions, he has consistently supported his fellow scouts. He never learned how to play "the Blame Game" - always taking responsibility for any failings of his team.
As I mentioned to my wife, "If every guy was like him, there'd be no need for Scouting." :-) I often wonder how much impact Scouting has - for example, is this scout the way he is because he was in Scouts or is he just that way?
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If any other scouting bloggers want to use these numerals, they are at[xx].jpg - replace [xx] with 01, 02, 03, ..., 98, 99
If you know HTML, you'd put something like:
<img src="">
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Had the first scoutmaster conference with a new scout all eager to get going. He completed the Joining requirements and is anxious to get his Scout badge and neckerchief.
The past couple years, we've tried something we called "Scout Buddies". The SPL passes a sheet of paper with the names of the new scouts around to the older scouts during their patrol time at a troop meeting. Scouts write their name next to one of the new scouts. The hope is that the older scout or two will make a specific, meaningful effort to make that new scout feel welcome and part of the troop, without telling the scout what's going on.
I don't like doing this because it artificially forces behavior which I'd hope would happen anyway. It can also give an older scout the idea that he 'just' needs to deal with one scout and not be friendly to the rest.
I do like it because I believe it has really improved our retention rate and has caused more interaction from the older to younger scouts in this age-stratified troop.
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We planned the agenda for the Troop Leader Training session which they will be running next month. We discussed how they'll get the patrols started brainstorming outing ideas for their Troop Planning session. And, we considered ways to help improve patrol spirit.
We have an interesting SPL & ASPL combination this term. The ASPL is three years older than the SPL. We talked about that and I feel they both understand that his experience is a great resource that a smart SPL would use as often as possible.
It's shaping up to be a very interesting six months - possibly the last six months for the troop in its present form. That means these guys will have extra work in helping to coordinate the division of the troop, if that winds up happening.
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