Scoutmaster Conference Preparation
A Scoutmaster has an important job in guiding scouts to advance, and the scoutmaster conference is a major step in the process. The actual advancement is not the thing - it's helping the scout grow in character that's important. Many scouts can easily learn and demonstrate skills for advancement sign-offs, but picking up on all the other benefits of scouting sometimes does not occur.
If scouts take some time to reflect on the scouting adventures that have brought them to their scoutmaster conference, they are more apt to feel a sense of accomplishment and set goals for further advancement. Providing scouts with an outline of topics to reflect on is a great help to get them focused on their path through the program.
This page can be completed by a scout and brought to a scoutmaster conference for rank advancement. It should not be required, but should be available for scouts to use as they want. It should be given to the scout at least a week before the conference. A scoutmaster that saves the sheet will have a valuable record of that scout's view of scouting over the years - and might present the sheets back to the scout at the Eagle court of honor or at least refer to them for inspiration.
Scoutmaster Conference Sheet
Use this sheet to prepare for a discussion with your scoutmaster. Jot down your notes if you'd like or leave it blank.
Rank: Tenderfoot 2nd Class 1st Class Star Life Eagle
Name: | ___________________________________ | Date: | ___________________ |
I have been a member of this troop for ______ months, since _______________.
To me, being a Scout means:
Scout Spirit:
Some of the good turns I've done recently are:
I have lived up to the Scout Spirit and demonstrated it by:
My Scouting Activities:
Since my last rank advancement, I've participated in these troop and patrol activities:
I enjoyed the _________________ outing best because:
The most important things I've learned so far in Boy Scouts are:
Some things I would like to learn more about or get better at are:
My Service: I've helped others in these service activities:
By doing this service, I've learned:
I will live up to the second part of the Scout Oath, "to help other people at all times", by:
My Patrol:
I am a member of the ______________________ Patrol.
I really like like don't mind dislike being in this patrol because: ___________________________________________________________________________
My patrol does does not meet regularly each month. My patrol does does not provide opportunities for advancement.
My patrol leader does does not keep me informed of patrol and troop happenings.
Throughout the upcoming months, I would like my patrol to do these things:
Throughout the upcoming months, I will help my patrol by:
My Troop:
I feel my troop is doing super good alright poor
I think my troop should do these things more:
I think my troop should not do these things any more, or as much:
Throughout the upcoming months, I will help my troop by:
My Advancement:
Yes No I have completed all requirements in the Scout Handbook for this rank and had
them signed off by an authorized person.
While earning this rank, I enjoyed the _____________________ requirement because:
I thought the most challenging requirement was __________________________ because:
I feel that I am ready to teach these scouting skills to other scouts:
I am interested serving the troop as ________________________________ because:
I am advancing toward my next rank and plan to reach this goal by _________(date).
Signature: _________________________
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