Have everyone sit in a large circle. One scout whispers a phrase or short sentence to the person on their left. That person whispers what they heard to the next player to the left, and so on. The last player to receive the message should repeat out loud what the message is. The leader then repeats the original message which is often very different from the last person's message.
This is a game of identifying sounds. A leader produces the sounds listed below from behind a screen or in another room and the scouts listen. As each sound is produced, the scouts write down what they think it is.
Sample sounds are: Sandpaper rubbed on glass, Pack of cards dropped on a table, Egg whipper whipping cream, Golf ball or ping-pong ball bouncing on a bare floor, Piece of metal being filed, Slicing bread, Bursting a paper bag, Pouring water into a glass, ...
Mysteries sometimes include coded messages. Let scouts create a code, write coded messages and then decode each other's messages. If you have access to a computer and printer you can use wingdings (font) or the let them develop their own secret code using the alphabet.
Materials: Paper and pencils
Write the alphabet across a chalkboard. Below the letters write the numbers 1-26, with "1" below "A," "2" below "B," etc. Then write a simple, short sentence on the board and write the number equivalent of the first word. Ask scouts to write the number equivalents of the remaining words.
Now have the scouts write a secret message (a short sentence) and encode the message on another sheet of paper. Then, pass them to other scouts to be decoded.
All scouts stand with their eyes closed. The leader walks among them and taps one on the shoulder to secretly select that scout to be Moriarty, The rest are English detectives. On "Go", everyone opens their eyes and walks around shaking hands, introducing themselves and making small talk. A victim is killed when Moriarty tickles their palm during the handshake. The victim must wait at least 5 seconds before dying in as dramatic manner as possible, and may even have time to shake another hand in the interval. The object of the game is to discover Moriarty and publicly accuse that scout before being killed. When the accuser is discovered, that scout picks the next Moriarty and acts as referee for the next round since they know who Moriarty is.
Scouts stand in a line. They run as far as they can on one yelled breath. Get them to take a good breath before hand. When they have to stop yelling, they are to sit down where they are.
Use pencils or crayons of several different colors and a sheet of newspaper for each scout. Each scout writes a message with one of the colors by circling individual letters going from left to right and top to bottom. On the back of the paper, draw a line using this same color. Then use the other colors and circle other letters all over the page so the real message is hidden. Exchange papers and have someone else decode the message by finding only letters of the correct color.
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