Cub Scouts Hockey Sports Belt Loop and Pin
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Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts may complete requirements in a family, den, pack, school, or community environment. Tiger Cubs must work with their parents or adult partners. Parents and partners do not earn loops or pins.
Complete these three requirements:
Earn the Hockey belt loop, and complete five of the following requirements:
Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts may complete requirements in a family, den, pack, school, or community environment. Tiger Cubs must work with their parents or adult partners. Parents and partners do not earn loops or pins.
Requirements for the Hockey Belt Loop
Complete these three requirements:
- Explain ways to protect yourself while skating. Demonstrate how to put on all necessary safety equipment. Explain why proper safety equipment is important.
- Spend 30 minutes practicing the skills of hockey: skating, stick handling, passing, shooting, and checking. This may be over two different practice periods.
- Play a game of hockey while on roller skates or hockey skates.
Requirements for the Hockey Pin
Earn the Hockey belt loop, and complete five of the following requirements:
- Participate in a pack, school, or community hockey tournament or in a supervised hockey league.
- Participate in a hockey skills development clinic.
- Spend at least 30 minutes practicing the skills of hockey: skating, stick handling, passing, shooting, and checking. This may be over two different practice periods
- Draw the layout of the playing surface for a hockey game including the starting positions of the goalie, three forwards (two wings and a center), and two defenders.
- Demonstrate foul signals. Explain to your den or team why players should avoid fouls.
- Attend a high school, college, or professional hockey game.
- Demonstrate hockey terms (for example, assist, breakaway, deke, draw, pulling the goalie, and so on.) to another team member or adult.
- Learn about a U.S. Olympic hockey team and report what you learn to your den or family.
- Watch an ice resurfacing machine at an ice rink. Report to your den or family about the history of the machine commonly known as the Zamboni and how it is used.
Dec 09, 2013 - Shane Martinez
Agree with Daniel above. Checking is not allowed at this age, even if the kids do it on accident. ;-)
Jan 05, 2014 - Jim Cutugno
I'd like to see the requirement to play a game be expanded to without roller skates or ice skates. Street (or Deck) hockey is very popular, and much more feasible to do with a Den. Let's remove the "skates" requirement.
Also, hockey does not have "fouls", it has penalties. "Pulling the goalie" is not something a player can demonstrate. This is a coaching strategy that results in an extra player getting on the ice when the goalie comes off. Not sure how a player could "demonstrate" this. I also agree with removing the "checking" practice.
Feb 28, 2014 - Kerry Dolan
My sentiments exactly re street/gym hockey. Would it be permissible to award this for doing all in the gym?
May 12, 2014 - Jeff Wagner
Does the Hockey Belt Loop count toward Sportsman #4?
May 12, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Jeff - Hockey is not listed, so it should not be used just as ultimate and volleyball are not listed in requirement #1.
Nov 09, 2014 - Jon St.Clair
In this case, (pulling the goalie) I would interpret that as demonstrating KNOWLEGE of what pulling the goalie means. By the same token, I would think taking skates to be professionally sharpened would qualify as "doing your best" for younger scouts, who are too young to sharpen their own skates safely.
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