Wolf and Dog Story
A dog slipped off his leash one day and went for a walk in the woods. After a time, he met a wolf.
The dog said to the wolf, "Brother wolf, you look so thin! How can you be happy when you are so thin? You should come live with me and my master. I eat everyday and I never want for food."
The wolf thought for a moment and replied, "Yes, you are right. Why should I be out here in the wild hunting for small bites of food when someone else will give it to me? And you are so well fed. Very well, I will come to live with you."
"Good," said the dog, "then follow me."
As they trotted off to the dog's home, the wolf noticed a patch around the dog's neck where the fur had been worn off.
"Brother Dog, " asked the wolf, "why do you have that patch around your neck where there is no fur?"
The dog slowed down, stopped and turned to the wolf with sadness in his eyes.
"That is where they place the leather leash around my neck. They do this so they can control me and keep me in my place." replied the dog, sadly.
"Never!" said the wolf as he began to trot back into the forest. "I would rather be starving and free than to be fat and a slave."
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Dec 08, 2013 - Mian
This is a nice curagious story
Sep 29, 2015 - Ernie Wallace
I rewrote the end of this for our cub scouts. It feels more
satisfying to me:
"That is where they place the leather leash around my neck. My master uses it to keep me under control." replied the dog.
"And this metal fence? Is this your home?" asked the wolf.
"Yes, this is the cage my master keeps me in to stop me from wandering away," answered the dog, with a hint of sadness in his voice.
The wolf looked with sorrow upon his fellow canine. "I am sorry, brother dog, but I can go no further with you. The wolf is a wild and free spirit. It is far better for him to always know a gnawing hunger than to be comfortably well fed and live forever in a cage." With that, the wolf turned and loped contentedly back into the wild.
"That is where they place the leather leash around my neck. My master uses it to keep me under control." replied the dog.
"And this metal fence? Is this your home?" asked the wolf.
"Yes, this is the cage my master keeps me in to stop me from wandering away," answered the dog, with a hint of sadness in his voice.
The wolf looked with sorrow upon his fellow canine. "I am sorry, brother dog, but I can go no further with you. The wolf is a wild and free spirit. It is far better for him to always know a gnawing hunger than to be comfortably well fed and live forever in a cage." With that, the wolf turned and loped contentedly back into the wild.
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