Red Sloppity Lips Story
This Story has scary parts.
A boy was riding his bike along an old road and had become lost. He was trying to find his way back to a gas station to get directions when it began to rain. He pulled his jacket up over his head to help keep the rain away, but it began to rain harder. Then it began to thunder and lightning, so he knew that he must find shelter quickly.
Up ahead he saw an old abandoned house, so he ran onto the porch. Certainly nobody would mind. But the wind began to blow and blew the door right open. The wind blew so hard, that it blew the rain onto the porch soaking the boy even more. So he went inside to get out of the rain. The house was very large and though it was abandoned, dirty, full of cobwebs and in need of some repair, it kept the boy dry.
A big gust of wind blew in the door and then back out again, slamming the door shut. The boy tried to open the door, but the rain had caused the door to swell, wedging it in the door frame when it slammed. He could not open it.
Just then, he heard a voice call out, 'Do you know what I do with my red sloppity lips and my long green fingers?'
Next to the door was a large, green hairy monster with huge red lips, pointed fangs, and gangly legs and arms with very long green fingernails. The boy panicked and ran down the hall. The monster followed.
Again, he heard the monster say, 'Do you know what I do with my red sloppity lips and my long green fingers?' as he followed him down the hall.
The boy ran up some stairs at the end of the hall. And the monster pursued him.
The monster was getting closer, and he heard the monster say louder, 'Do you know what I do with my red sloppity lips and my long green fingers?'
The boy ran away from the monster down the hall at the top of the stairs and into a room at the end of the hall, closing the door behind him. But he heard loud footsteps coming down the hall. And he had run into a room with no windows, so he hid in the closet.
The bedroom door crashed open and again he heard the monster say even louder, 'Do you know what I do with my red sloppity lips and my long green fingers?'
The boy tucked himself into a corner of the closet and hid as best as he could. The closet door opened wide and the huge hairy monster stood before him. Again, so loud that it hurt the boy's ears, the monster once again said, 'Do you know what I do with my red sloppity lips and my long green fingers?'
The boy shook as he answered with fear in a quiet voice 'no'.
The monster said, 'Then I'll show you!'
BLBLBLBLBLBLBLBL (Put your fingers to your lips and strum them across your lips while you make a 'b' sound. Cross your eyes when you do this if you can. This should result in the desired silly effect.)
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Mar 13, 2015 - Lukie
I thought the monster would eat the boy. Boy am I glad it had a funny ending.
Oct 18, 2015 - Don
I told this story to my cub scouts at a campfire. At first the boys were a little
bored. I put in a lot of hand motions and variations in my volume. As the story
developed, they were increasingly engaged. At one point near the end, I noticed that
I had their attention. The boys were all wide eyed and silent listening to the story.
The ending was a relief to the younger boys. They all laughed hard watching the
cubmaster at the ending bubbling his lips. It was well received by the boys and was a
great way to get their attention.
Aug 16, 2018 - Dennis Edlin
This story was strange
Aug 23, 2018 - Scott Little
This story was a classic among our Cub Scouts and they often
wanted me to tell it to the new guys. It's worth memorizing and
practicing to tell to your scouts. I would not recommend telling
it before bed during a camp-out even though it has the funny
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