Smokey the Bear Song
This Song is meant for Cub Scouts.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
The Tune:
With a Ranger's hat and shovel
and a pair of dungarees,
you will find him in the forest
always sniffin' at the breeze.
People stop and pay attention
when he tells 'em to beware,
'cause ev'rybody knows that
he's the Fire Prevention Bear.
Smokey the Bear, Smokey the Bear.
Prowlin' and a growlin' and a sniffin' the air.
He can find a fire before it starts to flame.
That's why they call him Smokey,
That was how he got his name.
You can take a tip from Smokey
that there's nothin' like a tree.
'cause they're good for kids to climb in
and they're beautiful to see,
you just have to look around you
and you'll find it's not a joke,
to see what you'd be missin'
if they all went up in smoke.
You can camp upon his doorstep
and he'll make you feel at home;
You can run and hunt and ramble
anywhere you care to roam.
He will let you take his honey
and pretend he's not so smart,
but don't you harm his trees
for he's a Ranger in his heart.
If you've ever seen the forest
when a fire is running wild,
and you love the things within it
like a mother loves her child,
then you know why Smokey tells you
when he sees you passing through,
'Remember...please be careful....
its the least that you can do.'
and a pair of dungarees,
you will find him in the forest
always sniffin' at the breeze.
People stop and pay attention
when he tells 'em to beware,
'cause ev'rybody knows that
he's the Fire Prevention Bear.
Smokey the Bear, Smokey the Bear.
Prowlin' and a growlin' and a sniffin' the air.
He can find a fire before it starts to flame.
That's why they call him Smokey,
That was how he got his name.
You can take a tip from Smokey
that there's nothin' like a tree.
'cause they're good for kids to climb in
and they're beautiful to see,
you just have to look around you
and you'll find it's not a joke,
to see what you'd be missin'
if they all went up in smoke.
You can camp upon his doorstep
and he'll make you feel at home;
You can run and hunt and ramble
anywhere you care to roam.
He will let you take his honey
and pretend he's not so smart,
but don't you harm his trees
for he's a Ranger in his heart.
If you've ever seen the forest
when a fire is running wild,
and you love the things within it
like a mother loves her child,
then you know why Smokey tells you
when he sees you passing through,
'Remember...please be careful....
its the least that you can do.'
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Jun 19, 2016 - Ricky
Learned this song as a Cub Scout in the 1960's. Still know all the
words! Good song!
Oct 03, 2016 - RON
I also learned this in the late 50s-60s and STILL know it. I spend
a lot of time in the mountains as I live in East Tennessee and
this song comes to mind every time.
I hope our younger generation knows it too....
RON October 3,2016
I hope our younger generation knows it too....
RON October 3,2016
May 13, 2017 - Robin J. McBain
Wow!!! Not sure what triggered it, but I found myself singing this to my Chi, Mitzi Bitzi
tonite. Couldn't remember all the words, so I looked it up and sang all the verses to her.
What memories this brought rushing back to me. Family vacations that usually involved camping made it the perfect sing along song. My sis and I were both Girl Scouts and Smokey came to visit us one time at a meeting. I even had the song with all the words, musical notes, and drawings of Smokey in his ranger outfit that he gave to us that day. Somewhere over the years and many moves, it was lost, but the memories will remain in my heart always.
What memories this brought rushing back to me. Family vacations that usually involved camping made it the perfect sing along song. My sis and I were both Girl Scouts and Smokey came to visit us one time at a meeting. I even had the song with all the words, musical notes, and drawings of Smokey in his ranger outfit that he gave to us that day. Somewhere over the years and many moves, it was lost, but the memories will remain in my heart always.
Jun 18, 2017 - Preston
My wife's family has always sung this when at the cabin in northern Minnesota.
After a stroke, my mother-in-law was frustrated with a lack of being able to speak clearly, or find the right words.
Recently, she and my wife were in the car, and they started singing old camp songs, including this one. She sang the song beautifully and flawlessly.
Nice to know it is still in there.
Thanks, Smokey!
After a stroke, my mother-in-law was frustrated with a lack of being able to speak clearly, or find the right words.
Recently, she and my wife were in the car, and they started singing old camp songs, including this one. She sang the song beautifully and flawlessly.
Nice to know it is still in there.
Thanks, Smokey!
Jan 25, 2018 - Stan
I really enjoyed this bop as a young teen in the 1700's in
the wildness. It made me respect my elders and fellow boy
Jul 22, 2018 - Marjorie Benedict-Holman
I learned this song in Orofino Idaho when I was in the second grade. It was 1953-54. We made posters and they were hung in all the stores in town. It was a big deal there. I loved it.
Jan 12, 2019 - Donald Stachowiak
First heard the Chorus of this song sung
by Bruce Dern in the movie "Silent
I learned the rest and sang it at camp during my stint with Troop 234 in Burbank California.
Great Memories.
I learned the rest and sang it at camp during my stint with Troop 234 in Burbank California.
Great Memories.
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