Cannibal King Song
The Tune:
The Cannibal King with the big nose ring
Fell in love with the cute young maid
And every night by the pale moonlight
It sounded like this to me...
Ah-rump (kiss kiss), Ah-rump (kiss kiss)
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
Ah-rump (kiss kiss), Ah-rump (kiss kiss)
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
As the years went by like one, two, three
Soon there was a family
And every night by the pale moonlight
It sounded like this to me...
Ah-rump ma-ma, Ah-rump, pa-pa
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
Ah-rump ma-ma, Ah-rump, pa-pa
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
As the years went by like one, two, three
Soon a bigger family.
And every night by the pale moonlight
It sounded like this to me...
Ah-rump gran-ma, Ah-rump gran-pa
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
Ah-rump gran-ma, Ah-rump gran-pa
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
As the years went by like one, two, three
Soon there was no family
And every night by the pale moonlight
It sounded like this to me...
Ah-rump (silent pause), Ah-rump (silent pause)
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
Ah-rump (silent pause), Ah-rump (silent pause)
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
Fell in love with the cute young maid
And every night by the pale moonlight
It sounded like this to me...
Ah-rump (kiss kiss), Ah-rump (kiss kiss)
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
Ah-rump (kiss kiss), Ah-rump (kiss kiss)
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
As the years went by like one, two, three
Soon there was a family
And every night by the pale moonlight
It sounded like this to me...
Ah-rump ma-ma, Ah-rump, pa-pa
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
Ah-rump ma-ma, Ah-rump, pa-pa
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
As the years went by like one, two, three
Soon a bigger family.
And every night by the pale moonlight
It sounded like this to me...
Ah-rump gran-ma, Ah-rump gran-pa
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
Ah-rump gran-ma, Ah-rump gran-pa
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
As the years went by like one, two, three
Soon there was no family
And every night by the pale moonlight
It sounded like this to me...
Ah-rump (silent pause), Ah-rump (silent pause)
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
Ah-rump (silent pause), Ah-rump (silent pause)
Ah-rump, Ditty-aye-dee-a-a-a
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Aug 07, 2018 - Carolyn Taylor
We sang this song in Cub(Girl)Scouts in 50s in Roseville MI.
Elephant king instead of Cannibal king and "This is the sound they made." I remembered this song and Kookaburra.
Elephant king instead of Cannibal king and "This is the sound they made." I remembered this song and Kookaburra.
Aug 07, 2018 - Carolyn Taylor
Also: We learned "Fell in love with a dusty maid' as second line.
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