Wall Skit
This Skit is meant for Scouts BSA.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
5 scouts
All but two scouts stand in a line facing the audience shoulder to shoulder. (They are the wall)
One more scout (the worker) stands, casually leaning against the center of the wall.
Worker: My, what a beautiful day. Sure wish I didn't have to be here working so hard.
(Boss slowly walks in from the side, reviewing some papers.)
Worker: Oh no, the Boss! I'd better work harder.
(Worker turns and pushes his hands against the wall, as if holding it up from falling.)
Boss: Hey, you there! What's your name?
Worker: Johnny, sir.
Boss: Do you work for me?
Worker: Yes, sir!
Boss: Well, just what do you think you're doing, pretending to hold up that wall instead of working?
Worker: But, sir, I AM holding this wall up. Honest!
(ad lib a bit of back and forth, if desired. Worker trying to convince boss.)
(Boss stands right next to worker in center of wall and close to it.)
Boss: I'll have no employee of mine lie like that. You're fired! Now, get out of here!
(Worker edges along wall to the end, still pretending to hold it up until he reaches the end. Then, runs off.)
(Boss turns to audience)
Boss: I can't believe it. That lazy guy trying to convince me he was holding up this... (as the wall loudly tumbles down all over the Boss)
One more scout (the worker) stands, casually leaning against the center of the wall.
Worker: My, what a beautiful day. Sure wish I didn't have to be here working so hard.
(Boss slowly walks in from the side, reviewing some papers.)
Worker: Oh no, the Boss! I'd better work harder.
(Worker turns and pushes his hands against the wall, as if holding it up from falling.)
Boss: Hey, you there! What's your name?
Worker: Johnny, sir.
Boss: Do you work for me?
Worker: Yes, sir!
Boss: Well, just what do you think you're doing, pretending to hold up that wall instead of working?
Worker: But, sir, I AM holding this wall up. Honest!
(ad lib a bit of back and forth, if desired. Worker trying to convince boss.)
(Boss stands right next to worker in center of wall and close to it.)
Boss: I'll have no employee of mine lie like that. You're fired! Now, get out of here!
(Worker edges along wall to the end, still pretending to hold it up until he reaches the end. Then, runs off.)
(Boss turns to audience)
Boss: I can't believe it. That lazy guy trying to convince me he was holding up this... (as the wall loudly tumbles down all over the Boss)
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