Sleep Over Skit
3 scouts
bundle of clothes
bundle of clothes
Two scouts are playing with toys.
Bill: Hey, Bob, I hear something. Is that rain?
Bob: Sounds like it.
Bill: When you came over to play, there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
Bob: Sure wasn't.
Bill: Wow, look out the window. It's just pouring down!
Bob: Sure is.
(Dad enters room)
Dad: Bob, I can't let you go home in this storm. You'll catch cold.
Bill: Dad, can Bob sleep over? Please?
Dad: Sure, but you'll need to clean your room first. Come on.
(Bill and Dad exit the stage while Bob keeps playing)
(After a few seconds, Bob jumps up as if he just remembered something and runs off stage the other direction.)
(Bill returns.)
Bill: Bob, my room's clean and your bed's ready. Bob? Bob?
(Bob comes running in, holding a bundle of clothes)
Bill: Bob! You're soaking wet! Where have you been?
Bob: Since I'm sleeping over, I ran home to get my pajamas.
Bill: Hey, Bob, I hear something. Is that rain?
Bob: Sounds like it.
Bill: When you came over to play, there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
Bob: Sure wasn't.
Bill: Wow, look out the window. It's just pouring down!
Bob: Sure is.
(Dad enters room)
Dad: Bob, I can't let you go home in this storm. You'll catch cold.
Bill: Dad, can Bob sleep over? Please?
Dad: Sure, but you'll need to clean your room first. Come on.
(Bill and Dad exit the stage while Bob keeps playing)
(After a few seconds, Bob jumps up as if he just remembered something and runs off stage the other direction.)
(Bill returns.)
Bill: Bob, my room's clean and your bed's ready. Bob? Bob?
(Bob comes running in, holding a bundle of clothes)
Bill: Bob! You're soaking wet! Where have you been?
Bob: Since I'm sleeping over, I ran home to get my pajamas.
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