Is It Time Yet? Skit
4 to 8 scouts
chairs or a bench
chairs or a bench
Line chairs up in a row facing audience. Scouts sit on chairs.
All scouts sit on chairs and cross right leg over left and right arm over left and stretch out like they are resting.
Scout on end: (to the scout next to him) Is it time yet?
(each scout passes the question down the line to the end)
Scout on far end: Nope.
(each scout passes the reply back up the line to the end)
(wait a few seconds)
Scout on end: Is it time yet?
(pass it down)
Scout on far end: Nope.
(pass it back)
(repeat a couple times)
Scout on end: (to the scout next to him) Is it time yet?
(each scout passes the question down the line to the end)
Scout on far end: Yep, its time.
(each scout passes the reply back up the line to the end)
When the reply reaches the end, all scouts stretch, yawn, switch their arms and legs and go back to sleep.
Scout on end: (to the scout next to him) Is it time yet?
(each scout passes the question down the line to the end)
Scout on far end: Nope.
(each scout passes the reply back up the line to the end)
(wait a few seconds)
Scout on end: Is it time yet?
(pass it down)
Scout on far end: Nope.
(pass it back)
(repeat a couple times)
Scout on end: (to the scout next to him) Is it time yet?
(each scout passes the question down the line to the end)
Scout on far end: Yep, its time.
(each scout passes the reply back up the line to the end)
When the reply reaches the end, all scouts stretch, yawn, switch their arms and legs and go back to sleep.
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