History of Cub Scouts Skit
This Skit is meant for Cub Scouts, Webelos scouts.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Costumes (to be worn over Cub Scout uniform)
- Cave Man (wig and fur wrap, shoebox pained to look like stone)
- Biblical (shepherd"s robe with rope belt)
- Ancient Greek (breastplate, maybe sandals)
- Time of the Explorers (Magellan hat)
- Frontier (coonskin cap and dutch oven, wooden spoon)
- American Indian (leather shirt, feather headdress and bow (NO arrow))
- Alien (alien mask)
- Cub Mummy(gauze for wrapping)
- Men's suit jacket, nametag and clipboard for announcer
most effective if scouts in costume are not seen until they walk onto the stage
Blue and Gold Banquet skit. Each cub scout walks onto the stage as the announcer reviews his history and stands there until Smart Cub Scout says there were not Cub Scouts before 1930.
Announcer: Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. I am Wendell Windbag of the Institute of Historical Institutions. The mission of our organization is to research important organizations and institutions and determine their origins. It was the IHI, for example, that discovered that the first "wheel" used by cave dwellers 30,000 years ago was actually a stale Girl Scout Thin Mint cookie. We also discovered that in Mesopotamia, there were Salvation Army volunteers ringing bronze bells and collecting beads from passing shoppers at the market long before coins came into use.
This evening we are going to review the history of the venerable tradition of Cub Scouting.
As with the Girl Scouts, there is considerable evidence that there were Cub Scouts among the Cave Dwellers of Central Africa and Southern Europe. Their Cub Scout Handbooks were, of course, carved in stone.
In Biblical times, Cub Scouts would practice knot-tying while tending their sheep and goats. They were also often called upon to help pitch tents and tend fires.
Ancient Greek Cub Scouts would often serve as pages for the soldiers of their city-state. Some of the writings of Pythagorus suggest that he was a cubmaster and that he hit upon the idea for his famous Theorem while designing a Pinewood Derby track.
In the time of the Great Explorers, Cub Scouts began to gain interest on Geography along with the rest of the world - the first Geography and Map and Compass beltloops were earned during Magellan's lifetime. There is also evidence that the first Raingutter Regatta was held during this time.
Of course, Cub Scouts came to the New World with the first colonists, and during Frontier Times they became known as excellent marksboys. The BB Gun belt loop was first awarded in the early 19th century. Frontier Cubs took pride in making their own hats from the hides of animals that they had shot or trapped and tanned themselves. Of course they would also make delicious stews from the meat of the animal cooked with hot coals in dutch ovens.
Native American Cub Scouts were the first to earn the Archery belt loop. It was the Native American Cubs who first started selling popcorn to raise money for Cub Scout activities and trips.
You might also be interested to know that according to files from Area 51 that have recently been made public, a backpack was found on the alien ship that they captured that contained what appeared to be a cub scout handbook, cap and neckerchief, suggesting that one of the alien travelers that visited our fair planet on that ill-fated trip was a Cub Scout. Either that or he left his bookbag on the ship when his parents dropped him off at school.
And last but not least, the very latest research of the IHI has turned up exciting preliminary archaeological evidence that there were Cub Scouts in ancient Egypt. Excavation of a recently discovered tomb from about 2000BC currently underway has unearthed a mummy that appears to be that of a Cub Scout (the mummy starts walking onto the stage or can be pushed on leaned onto a hand truck)
Smart Cub Scout: Excuse me Mr. Announcer sir
Announcer: not now young man, can't you see I've got 100 people waiting to hear what I say next
Smart Cub Scout: But sir, it's not true.
Announcer: What's not true? (talk to the Cub but look at the audience)
Smart Cub: All that stuff you're saying about the History of Cub Scouts.
Announcer: How dare you challenge me! I'm speaking in an official, authoritative voice and I have a plastic name tag on and I carry a clip-board. What I say has to be true.
Smart Cub: No sir, it isn't true. There were no Cub Scouts before 1930 because that's when Cub Scouts was founded in the United States...
(all the Cub Scouts in costumes look alarmed and start taking off their costumes. Mummy starts unwrapping himself.)
Smart Cub:... to get younger boys interested in Scouting. In fact, all of these people (gesture to indicate the audience) are here tonight to celebrate the birthday of Cub Scouting!
Announcer: (silent for a few seconds while staring uncertainly at audience) Oh. (another pause) It appears I've been misinformed. (Suddenly the announcer acts like he's just had a brilliant inspiration - a light bulb prop would be appropriate if it can be worked in). A birthday you say? Well, I think that calls for a song!
All Cub Scouts on stage: song! We love songs!
Announcer: All together now(lead entire group including audience in Happy Birthday Dear Cub Scouts).
This evening we are going to review the history of the venerable tradition of Cub Scouting.
As with the Girl Scouts, there is considerable evidence that there were Cub Scouts among the Cave Dwellers of Central Africa and Southern Europe. Their Cub Scout Handbooks were, of course, carved in stone.
In Biblical times, Cub Scouts would practice knot-tying while tending their sheep and goats. They were also often called upon to help pitch tents and tend fires.
Ancient Greek Cub Scouts would often serve as pages for the soldiers of their city-state. Some of the writings of Pythagorus suggest that he was a cubmaster and that he hit upon the idea for his famous Theorem while designing a Pinewood Derby track.
In the time of the Great Explorers, Cub Scouts began to gain interest on Geography along with the rest of the world - the first Geography and Map and Compass beltloops were earned during Magellan's lifetime. There is also evidence that the first Raingutter Regatta was held during this time.
Of course, Cub Scouts came to the New World with the first colonists, and during Frontier Times they became known as excellent marksboys. The BB Gun belt loop was first awarded in the early 19th century. Frontier Cubs took pride in making their own hats from the hides of animals that they had shot or trapped and tanned themselves. Of course they would also make delicious stews from the meat of the animal cooked with hot coals in dutch ovens.
Native American Cub Scouts were the first to earn the Archery belt loop. It was the Native American Cubs who first started selling popcorn to raise money for Cub Scout activities and trips.
You might also be interested to know that according to files from Area 51 that have recently been made public, a backpack was found on the alien ship that they captured that contained what appeared to be a cub scout handbook, cap and neckerchief, suggesting that one of the alien travelers that visited our fair planet on that ill-fated trip was a Cub Scout. Either that or he left his bookbag on the ship when his parents dropped him off at school.
And last but not least, the very latest research of the IHI has turned up exciting preliminary archaeological evidence that there were Cub Scouts in ancient Egypt. Excavation of a recently discovered tomb from about 2000BC currently underway has unearthed a mummy that appears to be that of a Cub Scout (the mummy starts walking onto the stage or can be pushed on leaned onto a hand truck)
Smart Cub Scout: Excuse me Mr. Announcer sir
Announcer: not now young man, can't you see I've got 100 people waiting to hear what I say next
Smart Cub Scout: But sir, it's not true.
Announcer: What's not true? (talk to the Cub but look at the audience)
Smart Cub: All that stuff you're saying about the History of Cub Scouts.
Announcer: How dare you challenge me! I'm speaking in an official, authoritative voice and I have a plastic name tag on and I carry a clip-board. What I say has to be true.
Smart Cub: No sir, it isn't true. There were no Cub Scouts before 1930 because that's when Cub Scouts was founded in the United States...
(all the Cub Scouts in costumes look alarmed and start taking off their costumes. Mummy starts unwrapping himself.)
Smart Cub:... to get younger boys interested in Scouting. In fact, all of these people (gesture to indicate the audience) are here tonight to celebrate the birthday of Cub Scouting!
Announcer: (silent for a few seconds while staring uncertainly at audience) Oh. (another pause) It appears I've been misinformed. (Suddenly the announcer acts like he's just had a brilliant inspiration - a light bulb prop would be appropriate if it can be worked in). A birthday you say? Well, I think that calls for a song!
All Cub Scouts on stage: song! We love songs!
Announcer: All together now(lead entire group including audience in Happy Birthday Dear Cub Scouts).
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