Dirty Socks Skit
This Skit has gross parts.
4 scouts
1 large can full of water
4 coffee mugs
1 large can full of water
4 coffee mugs
Place the can in the center of the stage.
Scout 1: (walks to can with his cup, dips it in and takes a drink) 'Yuch! This Camp Tea is awful!'
Scout 2: (walks to can with his cup, dips it in and takes a drink) 'Yuch! This Camp Coffee is terrible!'
Scout 3: (walks to can with his cup, dips it in and takes a drink) 'Yuch! This Camp Chocolate is disgusting!'
Scout 4: (walks to can, reaches in and pulls out pair of socks. Wrings them and says...) 'Aaah, they're finally clean!'
Scout 2: (walks to can with his cup, dips it in and takes a drink) 'Yuch! This Camp Coffee is terrible!'
Scout 3: (walks to can with his cup, dips it in and takes a drink) 'Yuch! This Camp Chocolate is disgusting!'
Scout 4: (walks to can, reaches in and pulls out pair of socks. Wrings them and says...) 'Aaah, they're finally clean!'
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Dec 09, 2014 - Jim Toepper
Awesome skit! This worked out really well!
Posted a video of it here:
Thank you!
Jul 09, 2019 - Robert Dubs
It was slightly different when I saw it. In the version I saw, four scouts all thought it was coffee, but how it actually tasted varied. Scout #1 claimed it was too weak, Scout #2 claimed it was too strong, Scout #3 claimed it tasted like it came from the latrine, and Scout #4 claimed it was quite delicious. Then Scout #5 pulled the socks out.
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