Burning Schoolhouse Skit
This Skit is meant for Cub Scouts.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
4 or more scouts
one adult leader (optional)
a cup for each scout
one adult leader (optional)
a cup for each scout
Scouts are standing around talking center stage.
Old man runs up to them from the left.
Man: The school house is burning!
(points back to the left)
Scouts: (very excitedly) The school house is burning! The school house is burning!
(Scouts run offstage to the right. One scout comes running back across the stage to the left carrying a cup.
Second scout comes across with a cup while the first returns to the start. Scouts are running back and forth across the stage while the man stands there watching them.)
Scout : Hurry! Hurry! It's burning faster!
(This continues so that one or two scouts are always crossing the stage area in each direction, urging each other to greater speed and to not spill the contents of the cup.)
(Finally the man stops one scout )
Man: Hey, you're never going to put out that fire with those little cups of water.
Scout: Water? This isn't water, it's gas!
Old man runs up to them from the left.
Man: The school house is burning!
(points back to the left)
Scouts: (very excitedly) The school house is burning! The school house is burning!
(Scouts run offstage to the right. One scout comes running back across the stage to the left carrying a cup.
Second scout comes across with a cup while the first returns to the start. Scouts are running back and forth across the stage while the man stands there watching them.)
Scout : Hurry! Hurry! It's burning faster!
(This continues so that one or two scouts are always crossing the stage area in each direction, urging each other to greater speed and to not spill the contents of the cup.)
(Finally the man stops one scout )
Man: Hey, you're never going to put out that fire with those little cups of water.
Scout: Water? This isn't water, it's gas!
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