Brains for Sale Skit
2 scouts
AAA, BBB, and CCC are three scouts or groups of scouts, with CCC being the one you are kidding. For example, Freshmen, Juniors, and Seniors. Or, Boys, Girls, and Adult Leaders. Or, Patrol 1, Patrol 2, Patrol 3.
Scout 1: Brains for Sale! Brains for Sale!
Scout 2: Hey, I need some brains. How much are those there? (pointing)
Scout 1: Let's see... This is a jar of [AAA] brains - that's $20/pound.
Scout 2: No thanks, how about those?
Scout 1: Hmmm, ... $30/pound. Those are [BBB, ...] brains. That's a good buy!
Scout 2: Well, do you have any others?
Scout 1: (look under counter) Ah-ha! Here's a small jar of some very special brains. But, they're $50,000/pound!
Scout 2: $50,000!!!! Why so much?
Scout 1: These are [CCC] brains - do you have any idea how many [CCC] it takes to fill a small jar like this?!!
Scout 1: Brains for Sale! Brains for Sale!
Scout 2: Hey, I need some brains. How much are those there? (pointing)
Scout 1: Let's see... This is a jar of [AAA] brains - that's $20/pound.
Scout 2: No thanks, how about those?
Scout 1: Hmmm, ... $30/pound. Those are [BBB, ...] brains. That's a good buy!
Scout 2: Well, do you have any others?
Scout 1: (look under counter) Ah-ha! Here's a small jar of some very special brains. But, they're $50,000/pound!
Scout 2: $50,000!!!! Why so much?
Scout 1: These are [CCC] brains - do you have any idea how many [CCC] it takes to fill a small jar like this?!!
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