Scout Spirit Minute
What is Scout Spirit?
Scout spirit applies to how you live and how you conduct your daily life - that is, your life both in and out of scouting activities.
You show Scout spirit by being a role model, living by the Scout Oath and Law.
Scout spirit is not based on how many Scouting events or outings scouts attend, but rather by how they help bring out the best in others as a reflection of their own character and attitude.
Some ways to do this are:
(that was a simple example of each of the 12 points in the Scout Law)
Scout spirit applies to how you live and how you conduct your daily life - that is, your life both in and out of scouting activities.
You show Scout spirit by being a role model, living by the Scout Oath and Law.
Scout spirit is not based on how many Scouting events or outings scouts attend, but rather by how they help bring out the best in others as a reflection of their own character and attitude.
Some ways to do this are:
- telling the truth,
- sticking up for the kid being picked on,
- handing out papers for the teacher,
- letting everyone play a game,
- saying thank you to the clerk at a store,
- helping a kid that dropped his books instead of laughing at him,
- playing fair to have fun rather than to win no matter what,
- looking for a little fun in every job you have to do,
- using your boring old cellphone for another year because it still works,
- asking your buddies to not use bad language around you,
- listening to music that doesn't promote hate, violence, and other trash,
- taking 5 minutes once in a while to just quietly sit outside and think about where you're heading in life
(that was a simple example of each of the 12 points in the Scout Law)
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