Climbing Mt. Fuji Minute
This Minute is meant for Scouts BSA.
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If you ever get to visit Japan, try to make time to climb Mt. Fuji. It is a beautiful mountain, a perfect cone volcano, standing alone on a large plain. To the Japanese, it is a symbol of peace and beauty. It may very well be the most photographed mountain in the world.
When you get to the foot of Mt. Fuji, you'll notice there are hiking staffs for sale. Buy one, and start your climb up. It's not really a climb, its more of a strenuous hike on very, very well-travelled paths. Every few miles, friendly attendants at check stations will brand your hiking staff with a symbol of the milestone you reached. They will also encourage you on to the next checkpoint.
Along the way, you'll meet many, many people - tourists from around the world - America, Korea, England, China, Brazil. All of them with the same goal in mind. And, interestingly, all of them encouraging one another. The atmosphere is not one of competition, trying to beat someone else to the top - it doesn't matter. Through gestures, smiles, and words, total strangers help push you ahead, give you strength, keep you motivated.
Whenever people with similar goals compete less and cooperate more, more is accomplished and the climb is a lot more fun. Have fun!
When you get to the foot of Mt. Fuji, you'll notice there are hiking staffs for sale. Buy one, and start your climb up. It's not really a climb, its more of a strenuous hike on very, very well-travelled paths. Every few miles, friendly attendants at check stations will brand your hiking staff with a symbol of the milestone you reached. They will also encourage you on to the next checkpoint.
Along the way, you'll meet many, many people - tourists from around the world - America, Korea, England, China, Brazil. All of them with the same goal in mind. And, interestingly, all of them encouraging one another. The atmosphere is not one of competition, trying to beat someone else to the top - it doesn't matter. Through gestures, smiles, and words, total strangers help push you ahead, give you strength, keep you motivated.
Whenever people with similar goals compete less and cooperate more, more is accomplished and the climb is a lot more fun. Have fun!
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Feb 24, 2014 - Philip M. Ayer
This is a Great Scout Master Minute, and a Great Example for the Scouts of my Troop, as I am just filling in for the ScoutMaster, while he's away.
But what makes this Scout Master Minute so Powerful in it's True Meaning, as I was in the Marine Corps, and was Station @ Camp Fuji,I have My Own (Fuji Hiking Stick) with those burned in Stamps from each station right upto the Summit, and the Sunrise View from the Top of Mount Fuji
simply Breath Taking, now one understands the Japanese Flag, after taking in that View.
Jan 30, 2015 - Eri Oohata
We are arranging a Mt. Fuji Climb this summer for a Group of Boy Scouts from Calgary Canada, if any other Boy Scouts Groups are interested in climbing Mt. Fuji, while you are in Japan for the 2015 World Scout Jamboree! Please contact us at www.climbing-mt-fuji.com
Jun 13, 2022 - Tom Cantarine
I was lucky enough to climb Mt. Fugi in my youth, as the 1971 World
Jamboree. Great memories over 50 years later.
Oct 10, 2022 - Rick Boyer
I, too, was able to climb Fuji
at the 13th world jamboree in
1971... experienced Typhoon
Olive at the base of Fuji!!!!
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