Box of Stuff Minute
This Minute is meant for Scouts BSA.
a small container of pins, screws, bolts, odds-n-ends
See this container?
This is my Box of Stuff that sits on my workbench. When I do a project, if there's a few screws left over, I dump them in here. If I have an extra nut or bolt or piece of wire or hinge, it goes in here.
Some of these things have been in here, never used, for almost 20 years. But, I know they are here. I know that because I will occasionally need a screw or bolt and I rummage through here until I find one. Every time I do that, I see what else is still here, ready to be used when needed.
How does this have anything to do with scouting?
Well, everything you're learning in Scouts goes into your Box of Stuff up here in your brain. It's ready for that one day when it's needed.
You learned how to fuse the end of a rope. Do you do that every day? No. But, some day when you have a frayed rope, you'll reach into your Box of Stuff and know how to fuse that rope.
You know how to identify poisonous plants. Do you do that every day? No. But, on your next hike, you'll recognize and avoid those plants.
When you use something from your Box of Stuff, you should also check out all the other things you have in there. Take some time and refresh your skills so you remember you have them.
Like some of these pieces of hardware, some skills may sit there unused for years until you find yourself in an emergency when you need to dump out your whole Box and put all of it to use. That's when you'll be glad you have your Box of Stuff full to the brim.
This is my Box of Stuff that sits on my workbench. When I do a project, if there's a few screws left over, I dump them in here. If I have an extra nut or bolt or piece of wire or hinge, it goes in here.
Some of these things have been in here, never used, for almost 20 years. But, I know they are here. I know that because I will occasionally need a screw or bolt and I rummage through here until I find one. Every time I do that, I see what else is still here, ready to be used when needed.
How does this have anything to do with scouting?
Well, everything you're learning in Scouts goes into your Box of Stuff up here in your brain. It's ready for that one day when it's needed.
You learned how to fuse the end of a rope. Do you do that every day? No. But, some day when you have a frayed rope, you'll reach into your Box of Stuff and know how to fuse that rope.
You know how to identify poisonous plants. Do you do that every day? No. But, on your next hike, you'll recognize and avoid those plants.
When you use something from your Box of Stuff, you should also check out all the other things you have in there. Take some time and refresh your skills so you remember you have them.
Like some of these pieces of hardware, some skills may sit there unused for years until you find yourself in an emergency when you need to dump out your whole Box and put all of it to use. That's when you'll be glad you have your Box of Stuff full to the brim.
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