Astronauts Joke
How do you get an astronaut baby to sleep? Rocket
What should an astronaut do when he gets dirty? Take a meteor shower
What did the astronaut get when the rocket fell on his foot? Mistletoe
What did the astronaut think of the restaurant on the moon? He thought the food was fine but there wasn't much of an atmosphere
What did the astronaut see on the stove? An unidentified frying object
What is an astronaut's favorite key on a computer keyboard? The space bar
What do you call an astronaut's watch? A lunar-tick
Where do astronauts keep their sandwiches? In their launch boxes
Why don't astronauts relate well to other people? They are not always down-to-earth
Why do astronauts wear bullet-proof vests? To protect themselves against shooting stars
What happens to astronauts who misbehave? They're grounded
Did you hear the one about the spaceship? It was out of this world
What do you call a space magician? A flying saucerer
What kind of Star Wars toy can you ride? A Toy-Yoda
When is the moon not hungry? When it is full
How did the rocket lose its job? It was fired
How does the astronaut describe his work? Heavenly
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Jan 13, 2015 - Wivhba hib
Add : why did mickey mouse go to the outer space? Because he was looking for Pluto
Feb 07, 2024 - Hi there
What do astronauts wear around their pants? An asteroid belt lol
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