Worship Service 2 Grace
This Grace is meant for Scouts BSA.
[This is an entire worship service rather than just a grace]
Call to Worship
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands.
Serve the Lord with gladness.
Come into His presence with singing.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is He that made us, and we are His;
We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.
Song: Morning Has Broken
Morning has broken like the first morning,
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
Praise for the singing, Praise for the morning,
Praise for them, springing, fresh from the word.
Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven,
Like the first dewfall on the first grass,
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden,
Sprung in completeness where His feet pass.
Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning,
Born of the one light Eden saw play.
Praise with elation, praise every morning,
God's recreation of the new day.
Responsive Reading:
O most high, almighty, good Lord God,
to you belongs praise, glory, honor and all blessing.
Praise God with all his creatures,
and especially, our brother, the sun,
who brings us the day and who brings us the night;
fair is he, and shines with a very great splendor;
O Lord, he signifies You to us.
Praise God for our sister the moon, and for the stars,
which He has set clear and lovely in the heaven.
Praise God for our brother the wind,
and for the air and clouds, and all weather
by which you uphold life in all creatures.
Praise God for our sister, water,
who is humble and precious and clean.
Praise God for our brother, fire,
through whom you give us light in the darkness;
he is bright and pleasant and mighty and strong.
Praise God for our mother, the earth,
which sustains us and keeps us, and brings forth
grass and fruits and flowers of many colors.
Praise God, and give thanks to Him
and serve Him with great humility.
Silent Meditation - one minute
God, sometimes I hold something small in my hand... a piece of moss or a budding twig,
and - peering closely at this tiny world - I feel a sudden wonder.
Help me to remember that you made these worlds, and countless others,
and...in remembering...come closer to you.
God, I thank you today for the world in which you have placed us;
for the universe whose vastness is revealed in the blue depths of the sky;
whose immensities are lit by shining stars beyond the strength of mind to follow.
I thank you for the beauty of our earth, for the sweetness of the flowers,
the solemnity of the stars, the sound of streams and swelling seas,
for stretching lands and mighty mountains which rest and satisfy the soul,
the purity of dawn which calls us to holy dedication,
and the peace of the evening which speaks of everlasting rest.
Above all, I thank you for the dignity you have bestowed upon every human being as the crown of your Creation.
Give us the grace to let the light of your glory shine through us, in our action, words and thoughts.
Closing Song: Mighty Is Our God
Mighty is our God
Mighty is our King
Mighty is our Lord
Ruler of everything.
Glory to our God
Glory to our King
Glory to our Lord
Ruler of everything.
His name is higher, higher than any other name.
His power is greater, for He has created everything.
May God bless and keep you forever;
Grant you peace, perfect peace, and courage in every endeavor.
Lift up your eyes and see His face, and His grace forever.
May the Lord, Mighty Lord, Bless and keep you forever.
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