Sea Base Grace
This Grace is meant for Scouts BSA.
Bless the creatures of the sea.
Bless this person I call me.
Bless the Keys, You make so grand.
Bless the sun that warms the land.
Bless the fellowship we feel,
As we gather for this meal.
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Jul 01, 2022 - Steve Bissell
As I recall Sea base used to pass out a compendium of the Bible New and Old Testament with a Sea
base logo on the cover. It would be useful for other Religious scouts service's at any High adventure or
scout event; not just Sea base. I do not know if other religious faiths were included (if not, it should
I have not been unable to find copies any more. Have they stopped publishing?
Thanks, Steve Bissell
Jul 02, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Steve - Maybe you are referring to Majestic Depths? I believe small New Testaments that were given to participants that wanted them at the high adventure bases were financially provided by outside groups. I know Methodist, Baptist, and other groups have funded the bibles in the past. I don't believe they are available for purchase, but copies can be found on eBay.
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