Treasure of the Blind Game
This Game is meant for Cub Scouts.
6 to 12 scouts.
blind fold.
treasure object.
blind fold.
treasure object.
All the scouts around the circle need to be quiet. Since this is a tall order, do not plan on playing the game for more than 8 or 10 minutes.
Group sits in a circle with one member sitting blindfolded in the center - this is the Blind King. The King's legs are straight out in front of him in a V with his treasure between them. His hands are on the floor at his sides.
The game leader points to one scout in the circle who tries to silently creep up and steal the treasure without the blind king hearing.
If the blind king hears the thief, he points at the thief. Detected thieves must stand, bow, and return to their place in the circle. If incorrect, the blind king loses a point. If the blind king loses 4 points, the current thief becomes the blind king.
If a thief succeeds in stealing the treasure and returning to the circle edge, the thief becomes the new blind king.
The game leader points to one scout in the circle who tries to silently creep up and steal the treasure without the blind king hearing.
If the blind king hears the thief, he points at the thief. Detected thieves must stand, bow, and return to their place in the circle. If incorrect, the blind king loses a point. If the blind king loses 4 points, the current thief becomes the blind king.
If a thief succeeds in stealing the treasure and returning to the circle edge, the thief becomes the new blind king.
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