Swat to the Gap Game
rolled up newspaper
just for rough fun, no scoring.
Make sure there are no head shots or overly rough hits.
Make sure there are no head shots or overly rough hits.
Scouts form big circle facing inward with eyes closed and hands behind backs.
One scout walks around and places rolled newspaper in the hands of a scout.
That scout thumps with newspaper on back of the neighbor to their right as the scout chases the neighbor around the circle back to the 'gap' where they started. The scout that gave away the newspaper fills 1/2 the gap left by the two running scouts.
When the run is completed, the scout with the newspaper places it in the hands of someone else around the circle to repeat the process.
One scout walks around and places rolled newspaper in the hands of a scout.
That scout thumps with newspaper on back of the neighbor to their right as the scout chases the neighbor around the circle back to the 'gap' where they started. The scout that gave away the newspaper fills 1/2 the gap left by the two running scouts.
When the run is completed, the scout with the newspaper places it in the hands of someone else around the circle to repeat the process.
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