Scout Law Relay Game
This Game is meant for Scouts BSA.
scout law cut-out sheets
There are many ways to play.
Have each patrol line up at the start line.
Have a judge for each patrol standing about 30 feet away holding a bucket with all the Numbered papers in it.
A scout runs to the judge, draws out a paper and says the word of the Scout Law that it corresponds with. For example, a 4 is pulled so the scout says Friendly.
The scout returns the paper and runs back to tag the next scout.
Score a point for each correct point.
Use the Words instead of the Numbers in the same way.
Lay the Numbered papers from the start line about every 3 or 4 feet out to the bucket containing the Words.
Each scout runs to the bucket and pulls out a Word, then places it by the Number to which it corresponds.
If a scout believes a Word is in an incorrect spot on the ground, they can sacrifice their trip to the bucket to move one Word or switch two Words.
The first patrol to have all Words in correct order wins.
Give each patrol a paper bag containing the Words.
On 'GO', the first patrol to arrange them in correct order wins.
Have each patrol line up at the start line.
Have a judge for each patrol standing about 30 feet away holding a bucket with all the Numbered papers in it.
A scout runs to the judge, draws out a paper and says the word of the Scout Law that it corresponds with. For example, a 4 is pulled so the scout says Friendly.
The scout returns the paper and runs back to tag the next scout.
Score a point for each correct point.
Use the Words instead of the Numbers in the same way.
Lay the Numbered papers from the start line about every 3 or 4 feet out to the bucket containing the Words.
Each scout runs to the bucket and pulls out a Word, then places it by the Number to which it corresponds.
If a scout believes a Word is in an incorrect spot on the ground, they can sacrifice their trip to the bucket to move one Word or switch two Words.
The first patrol to have all Words in correct order wins.
Give each patrol a paper bag containing the Words.
On 'GO', the first patrol to arrange them in correct order wins.
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