Photo Memory Game
close-up photos of items or scenes around the meeting place.
Take photos of objects around the location where your troop meets - the front door, a lightpost, the clock, the rug, a mailbox, a big rock, ...
Make a slideshow of these photos, OR if you use a digital camera, and have a laptop and projector, you can project on a wall.
Make a slideshow of these photos, OR if you use a digital camera, and have a laptop and projector, you can project on a wall.
Dim the lights and show the first photo. Scouts that believe they can identify the object should raise their hand or stand up. The leader calls on one of them to identify it.
If correct, that patrol gets 2 points.
If incorrect, that patrol loses 1 point.
If a scout shouts out the answer before being called on, no penalty but no points awarded and the scout that IS called on just gets a free clue thanks to the out-of-turn scout.
Patrol with the most points accumulated wins.
You could use photos from a recent event, or at the end of the year use photos from throughout the year. That can be a fun recap of the year.
If correct, that patrol gets 2 points.
If incorrect, that patrol loses 1 point.
If a scout shouts out the answer before being called on, no penalty but no points awarded and the scout that IS called on just gets a free clue thanks to the out-of-turn scout.
Patrol with the most points accumulated wins.
You could use photos from a recent event, or at the end of the year use photos from throughout the year. That can be a fun recap of the year.
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