Crab Fights Game
Everyone gets in crab position - on hands and knees with rear underneath. (Bear position is rear up in the air).
On 'Go' signal, everyone tries to get other crabs to touch their rear to the ground. The last crab up, wins.
Referees are needed to determine when a rear hits the ground.
Could have a patrol competition.
Could have a 'Patrol Leaders' round to see which patrol has the crabbiest leader.
Alternative: have each patrol lined up on the play area border at different locations. The first scout in each patrol crabs into the fight. When a scout is knocked down, the patrol gets 1 point, and the next scout in the patrol crabs in.
The patrol with the fewest points wins.
Patrols of smaller scouts will hopefully figure out alliances to combat larger scouts.
On 'Go' signal, everyone tries to get other crabs to touch their rear to the ground. The last crab up, wins.
Referees are needed to determine when a rear hits the ground.
Could have a patrol competition.
Could have a 'Patrol Leaders' round to see which patrol has the crabbiest leader.
Alternative: have each patrol lined up on the play area border at different locations. The first scout in each patrol crabs into the fight. When a scout is knocked down, the patrol gets 1 point, and the next scout in the patrol crabs in.
The patrol with the fewest points wins.
Patrols of smaller scouts will hopefully figure out alliances to combat larger scouts.
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